Tag Archives: ted miller

Robotic Surgeon Talks Health Care with Kiwanis

Monday Morning
We had 17 members at our first official Monday morning meeting at our new location, the Retlaw Plaza Hotel. Joining us were our guest speaker, Dr. Ted Miller and his assistants, Molly Moffitt and Katie Tank, all from Agnesian HealthCare. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Vickie Goldapske for her weekend educational seminar along with 1,000 other providers, Dave Lefeber for his new grandchild (8lbs 17oz, 21” long), Bonnie Baerwald for a successful Club Satellite membership meeting last week and also a successful Walk to End Alzheimer’s event last Saturday, Chris Serres for another birthday, Marlin Towne for once again being able to sit in the member section at our meeting, Gary Miller hoping everyone has a great week and finally Dr. Ted Miller for just finding out that his daughter is pregnant with their first grandchild. A very profitable Monday morning. Ron Seidl was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Nine of Spades, not a winner this time. That leaves 48 cards with eight pay cards for next week’s drawing. The new pot next Monday will be at least $46.

Dr. Ted Miller, Robotic Surgery
Dr. Ted Miller joined us on Monday morning to tell us about the introduction of robotic surgery at Agnesian HealthCare. The da Vinci system is a sophisticated robotic platform designed to expand the surgeon’s capabilities and offer a minimally invasive option for major surgery. At Agnesian HealthCare the robotic system is currently being used by urology and gynecology with training currently in process for several general surgeons to also be credentialed in its use. Dr. Miller also brought a video of an operation he did with the robot.