Tag Archives: corey schneider

Merry Christmas from Kiwanis


Monday Morning

There were 19 members and 14 guests at our Monday meeting. In addition, we were joined by seven Key Clubbers; Ashley Waldvogel, Rachel Hays, Nate Arkin, Abe Stoffel-Murray, Elizabeth Ziequr, Hannah Joslin & Anistyn Dreifuerst. Glen & Pete were our greeters. Harry had grace.  Dawn had a happy buck.  Charlene presented candy bags to the Cardinal Singers. Dave & Becky were our winner and loser. They drew the seven of diamonds. There are 45 cards left and a pot of $120.00. Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page.

Fondy High Cardinal Singers, Annual Family Christmas Party

We were entertained by the 2017 Cardinal singers. It was a great way to start the Holiday Week. In addition to numerous performances during this week, the Singers were part of Night of silence at the High School last week . Charlene arranged for all Singers to take away a holiday candy bag. Pete presented a holiday check to their director Corey Schneider. Corey also joined us for breakfast. Special thanks to Pete for setting up the program, Charlene for setting up the breakfast and the Cardinal singers.