Tag Archives: wisconsin bookworms

Creating and Cultivating Bookworms

Monday Morning

There were 11 members plus one guest at our Monday meeting.   Marianne Geiger was our speaker. Dan was our greeter. Gary had the grace. Steve had the humor. No happy bucks, it was snowy outside. Bonnie was a winner and non- winner. She drew the ace of clubs. We still have 29 cards, 5 winners and a pot of $300.00.    Side note – Del is at home and loves visitors. He will have leg surgery on March 17th. West Bend German night is March 28th.    Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page.  We have a projector for our speakers; please contact John if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Jackie or myself. Member names are being added under Programs for your future dates.

Marianne Geiger, Wisconsin Bookworms

Recipe for a “Love of Reading”. Mix : 170 students from ages 3 to 5, give them 8 new books free per year, 20 volunteer readers. This reading program is a collaboration of: Fond du Lac County Association for Home and Community Education (HCE), UW Cooperative Extension Family Living Programs, and Wisconsin Public Television. In addition they get a tote bag fort their eight books. We donated one book for the program. Our book was Puddle Pug by Kim Norman. In case, you want to buy for your library. The 170 students are from “Head Start” in Fond du Lac and Early Childhood Class in Ripon. The readers also plan a craft activity in conjunction with the book read. In their seventeen years of reading, they have helped 2,615 children with 22, 000 books. If you wish to read or donate, contact Marianne at 948-9431.

Bookworms Invade Kiwanis

Monday Morning
We had 19 members at our Monday meeting along with our guest speaker, Marianne Geiger from Wisconsin Bookworms. John Cooper announced that the final number for Walleye Weekend looks like a gross sales of approximately $74,700 with a profit of approximately $30,900 before the trailer purchase, a very good year. Again, a huge “Thank You” to everyone that helped make this such a success. A “Happy Buck” was offered by Bonnie Baerwald for her and Lisa doing 95 lbs. of strawberries into jam over the weekend. That included picking the strawberries which in and of itself is no small task. Bob Kahl announced that the St. Peter Athletic Club will be holding a photo op at their baseball diamond, which we contributed to, on Friday, July 12th at approximately 6:15PM. Any and all of our members are welcomed to attend and get in the picture at this dedication. Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle Winner and he drew the four of Clubs, not a winner. The next drawing will have 19 cards, five pay cards and a pot of at least $422.

Marianne Geiger – Wisconsin Bookworms
Wisconsin Bookworms is a collaboration and outreach effort of the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, (WAHCE) UW-Extension Family Living Programs and Wisconsin Public Television. It is designed to provide free books and an early reading experience for children from limited income families. Each month volunteers read award winning books to the children, engage them in a related activity, give books to the children and provide educational activity sheets for their families. Marianne Geiger thanked our Club for our past donations to the Wisconsin Bookworms project. This program has been in operation in Wisconsin since 1998 and in Fond du Lac County since 2000. At the State level, the program has given over 500,000 books to children in the program while over 17,000 books have been given to over 1,989 children in Fond du Lac County since its inception in 2000. In Fond du Lac County there are 18 volunteer readers who read to four and five year old children in the local Head Start Program at four different locations. The four locations in Fond du Lac County are North Fond du Lac Friendship Learning Center, the old Franklin School, YMCA and the Head Start Program at the Advocap building. Each child gets eight different books along with a book bag to hold all of their new books. The approximate cost for these eight books and book bag is $30 per child.

Kiwanis Happenings – February 9, 2012

Monday Morning
We had 17 members and 10 guests at Monday’s meeting. Joining us were our guest speaker, Lynn Hill from MPTC along with numerous recipients of over $1,300 donations from the Youth Services Committee. Receiving donations were:

Marlin Towne was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew a Ten of Clubs, a $10 winner. There are now 36 cards left in the deck, four of which are pay cards. Still lots of money to win and four cards to do it with.

Lynn Hill, GED Academy-MPTC
Lynn Hill, Instructional Technology Testing Specialist at MPTC, joined us on Monday morning to tell us about the GED Academy at MPTC. The GED Academy is a 40-hour accelerated program developed as a fast-track alternative way for students to get their GED. The accelerated format is designed to help students complete the entire GED process or get closer to finishing all requirements. The state-required orientation, instruction, careers classes, and testing materials are all included. Orientation and instruction are free. The GED testing fees are $15 per test for five tests for a total of $75. Moraine Park also offers a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) program for students who thrive in a classroom setting. Instructors assist students through course-work, and there are no timed tests. Each student is required to attend six hours each week. Three of those hours must be on Friday morning and the other three hours are flexible. The HSED covers the academic subject areas of reading, math, writing, social studies, science, civics, and health. Students must meet certain academic criteria as determined by required pretesting. Registration is required for both the GED Academy and HSED programs.