Tag Archives: service organization

Making Life’s Struggles Bearable

Monday Morning

There were 15 members plus our guest speaker, Captain Telinda Wilson at our Monday meeting. Sharon and Dave Krug were our greeters. John had a happy buck. Bonnie had the grace. Charlene had humor. Mark started the signup sheet for the December 4th Bell ringing. Reminder from Harry, Rewards Winners be sure to fill out and return your form. Peter was our winner and loser. He drew the eight of spades, There are 502 cards left and a pot of $20.00. Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page.

Salvation Army, Captain Wilson

Captain Wilson brought us up to date on all the activities for November and December. The Warming Shelter is open for the season. They can house forty people. They need volunteers for the shelter and volunteers to make dinner meals for the residents. They provide dinner seven days a week. They held the coats give away in October. They gave away 900 coats. They are working on the Christmas give away. It will be held December 13th at Fair Grounds Recreation Center. The Bell Ringing goal is $160,000. On November 28th, Thivent will match all collections up to $10,000. The bucket brigade is December 1st at KFIZ and Save A Lot parking’s lots. Michel’s will match all funds up to $8,000. We will ring bells for Salvation Army on December 4th from 4-8:00.

Center for Excellence in Culture

Monday Morning

There were 15 members plus eleven guests at our Monday meeting. In addition to our speaker, Jacqui Corsi, we had ten Key Clubbers and their two advisors. Key Club officers were Emma Guelig, Hannah Joslin, Anistyn Dreifuerst, Kassie Elingson, Liz Ziegier, Abe Stoffel Murray, Ben Stoffel Murray, Ashley Walduoge and Rachel Hays. Mandy Liebenow and Chris Stelmacher are the advisors. We have Key Club interclub planned for 7:20 at the high school Friday. Call for Gary Ring for details.  Bonnie and John were our greeters. Bonnie had a happy buck. Marlin had the grace. Steve had humor. Melissa Schmidt represented the club at the Boys and Girls Club Annual Spelling Bee last week. Their team came in the middle of pack. She was teamed with a 3rd and 6th grader.  Reminder from Harry, Rewards Winners be sure to fill out and return your form. Harry was our winner and winner. He drew the Queen of Hearts. His half will be determined. There are 52 cards left and a pot of $000.00. Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page.  We have a projector for our speakers; please contact John if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Peter or myself. Member names are being added under Programs for your future dates.

Jacqui Corsi, Thelma Center for the Arts

Thelma Center which started out as the Mason Temple is four years old. With the new addition, they have over 40,000 sq. feet. It was originally know as the Windhover Center. They offer programs on the arts, music, kid’s activities, weddings and business meetings. In addition to street concerts, they had eleven concerts on the porch this summer. Some of the upcoming concerts are 800 lb Gorilla, the Jimmys, and Isthmus Brass. Some other programs are the Children Chorale, Art Camps and Studio 51art classes.

Just in Time Parenting

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Monday Morning

There were 18 members at our Monday meeting plus one guest, Michelle Tiddemann.  .Dave Krug was our greeter. Harry did the humor. Gary Miller had the grace. Charlene, Mark, Dan, Bonnie and Gary Miller had happy bucks. Gary Miller and Pete are looking for two more golfers to attend Ripon Early Bird Golf outing on September 6th.   Melissa Schmidt will represent the club at the Boys and Girls Club Annual Spelling Bee in October.  Dave Lefeber was the winner and a loser. He picked the six of Diamonds. There are 41 cards left and a pot of $150.00.  Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page.  We have a projector for our speakers; please contact John if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Peter or myself. Member names are being added under Programs for your future dates.

Michelle Tiddemann, Just in Time Parenting

“Just In Time Parenting” was started in 1993. The six Kiwanis Clubs in Fond du Lac County along with Agnesian Health Care, and UW Extension have been part of a supportive partnership. New parents can get a subscription through digital or surface mail. Since 2005, 7,929 infants in Fond du Lac have participated in this age paced newsletter. The new newsletter have has changed and expanded to get contributions from nine state and be available to children up to age five. Future efforts are working to include adoptive parents, prenatal audience with health care providers and survey on use and applicability of the newsletter.