Tag Archives: service organization

A Sports League Making Miracles

Monday Morning

There were 14 members plus one guest at Monday’s meeting. Steve Arnold was our guest speaker. John did the grace. Charlene had the humor. Happy bucks from John to welcome Jackie back. Charlene had a happy buck for her great trip out East. Harry and Marlin reminded everyone to sell tickets. We have plenty of tickets and posters. Sharon was winner and loser. She drew the King of Hearts. There are still 30 cards with a pot of $235.00.  Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, you can like our page.

Mike Arnold, The Miracle League

The Miracle League is an organized baseball league for children ages 4 – 19 with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. The rubberized surface of Miracle League fields accommodates the use of wheelchair and other assistive devices to increase mobility and safety. Plans are in the making to build the field and a universal playground on Plamore Park in Fond du Lac. The city has approved the project in 2017 with a total cost of one million dollars. They have raised $270,000 with a starting date of 2020. Brooke Industries is the lead organization. They will have their own board of directors. The league games will last about eight weeks. The playground will be open all year round. There about 2,500 individuals in the area eligible to play in the league. We donated $5,000 to Miracle League.

A Convention to Remember

Monday Morning

There were 17 members at Monday’s meeting. Sharon, Charlene, and Dawn were the greeters. Chris did the grace. Harry and Pete had the humor. Dawn and John had happy bucks. We went to the Dock Spiders on July 30th. We had eighteen participations. We had great weather and great time but horrible game. Check your calendar, Gary Miller is working on an inter-club to West Bend Morning Club. The date is August 8th. Sign up Monday.  Glen was winner and loser. He drew the seven of clubs. There are still 33 cards with a pot of $205.00.  We received twelve jars of peanut butter and six jars of jelly for the Salvation Army Brown Bag Program. In addition the Satellite Club donated $100 to the program. Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, you can like our page.

Pete Vercouteren, National Kiwanis Convention

Pete represented Fond du Lac at the National Kiwanis Convention in Las Vegas. He started the convention with a new president’s meeting on the Thursday before the convention. All the convention’s power points are available on the Kiwanis web page for members to view. The highest growth in the international family comes from the Pacific Rim. The biggest selling point is our motto “All about the kids.” Two areas to look for new members are retired teachers and parents of the Key Club. We need to invite both Key clubbers and their parents to our events. Bad news, we lost 200 clubs last year. Good news, we started 200 clubs last year. There were almost 2,400 delegated at the convention. The convention was at two of the Caesars’ hotels. Remember the saying “What happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas” is not true about the Kiwanis Convention.

One Explosive Place to Visit

Monday Morning

There were 16 members plus five guests at the Monday’s meeting. Gail came for breakfast in order to help Mark with his program. She ran the computer and took all the pictures. Our scholarship winners from the Key Club joined us for breakfast. They are Anistyn Dreifuerst, Nate Arkin, Kassie Ellingson and Rachel Hays.  Mark and Cathy were the greeters. John did the grace. Charlene had the humor. Cathy had a happy buck for her daughter coming home from Australia. We are going to the Dock Spiders on July 30th. You can still purchase tickets at the door. Pete was winner and loser. He drew the Ten of Spades. There are still 35 cards with a pot of $185.00.  Salvation Army Brown Bag program needs peanut butter and jelly. Please bring on Monday. Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, you can like our page.

Mt Vesuvius, Pompeii

I won’t be able to do justice to all the information that Mark shared with us on Monday. Pompeii is near the Bay of Naples and 2 ½ miles South of Rome. The eruption in 79 AD destroyed Pompeii and two more cities in the area. 2000 people were trapped in their homes. And over 20,000 people in the area were killed. The ash covered the whole area in a matter of days. Also the poisonous gasses killed many more in the area. Early excavation started in the 1700’s. In 1960 in order to protect Pompeii, excavation was stopped and the site in 1997 was declared a UNESCO site. The last eruption was in 1944. Today over three million people live within five miles of Mt. Vesuvius.