Tag Archives: service organization

What Is Adelante Mujer?


Monday Morning

We had 16 members and two guests at our Monday meeting back at the Retlaw Hotel.    Joining us were our guest speakers Valerie Graczyk and Sr. Diane Bauknecht from the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes  (CSA).  “Happy Bucks” were offered up by Jackie King for her daughter’s wedding this past weekend plus her and Jerry’s anniversary on June 2nd, Vickie Goldapske for their Shoe Drive at work, John Cooper for being awarded the $1,000 Walleye Weekend Essay Prize and Charlene Pettit for surviving three days in the hospital and not missing a Monday meeting.  Bonnie Baerwald was the 50/50 Raffle drawing winner and she drew the Ten of Hearts, a $10 winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 37 cards, including six pay cards, and a pot of at least $179. Nice Job Bonnie.

Adelante Mujer

Sr. Diane Bauknecht from CSA joined us on Monday morning to tell us about a new mission that they’ve undertaken.

Adelante Mujer provides scholarship assistance (tuition and supplies) for women who are studying to become medical doctors at URACCAN University n Bilwi /Puerto Cabezas on the North Atlantic coast of Nicaragua.

CSA’s support of this ministry allows them to finance the education and training of Nicaraguan women wishing to become doctors. These medical students attend the nationally certified School of Intercultural Medicine at URACCAN University which is located in their own country of Nicaragua.  The average family income is less than $2,000 (US dollars) per year and approximately $1,600 is used for food. Because medical students have unique expenses for supplies and equipment, Adelante Mujer pays approximately $1,000 year per student per semester.  Their first eight Adelante Mujer doctors graduated on December 12, 2014. Currently there are an additional 17 medical students receiving financial assistance.
Sr. Diane also told us about a book reception introducing Called to Serve-Ministry Stories of the Sisters of St. Agnes in Latin America and Russia on Wednesday, June 224th from 6:30-8:00PM at Marian University’s Stayer Center.

You Won’t Want to Miss This Fair


Monday Morning

We had 20 members at our regular meeting on Monday along with our guest speaker, Katie Grinstead from the FDL County Fair Board.  Chris Serres is organizing a new shirt order if anyone is interested.  The new shirts will be gray with a small Kiwanis logo on the front.  Cost will be $10 for a regular T-shirt or $15 for a V-neck.  Let Chris know at next week’s meeting or before so she can get them ordered in time for Walleye Weekend.  “Happy Bucks” were offered by Marlin Towne for his granddaughter’s wedding last Saturday and Gary Ring for finding out that his sweat glands still work.  Bonnie Baerwald was the 50/50 Raffle drawing winner on Monday and she drew the Six of Spades, not a winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 39 cards, including seven pay cards, and a pot of at least $160.

Katie Grinstead, Fond du Lac County Fair

Katie Grinstead  joined us on Monday to tell us about the FDL County Fair and how long she’s been involved with the Fair.  According to Katie the County Fair has changed a lot in the last 10 – 15 years.  She remembered how the various exhibitors used to take up several buildings but now is significantly smaller.  A new feature the past several years is a live birthing display at the County Fair.  Her family farm has brought cows the past two years that potentially deliver their calves during the Fair and if they delivered the general public is able to watch the process.  Katie also said that others brought horses and goats to the birthing exhibit.  She also talked about the Fairest of the Fair competition that’s held every year.  She noted that the competition is open to both males and females although only females have been participating.  There is an application process that includes a 30 second PSA that could be used on the radio.  The applicants go through a full day of interviews with local radio, Fair Board interviews, lunch with all of the applicants and an evening banquet and the final selection of the current year Fairest of the Fair.  The duties of the winner are to promote the County Fair throughout the county and with the local media.  During the Fair itself the winner will greet attendees, participate in various parades and other events as needed.  Three scholarships are awarded to the winner ($750) and first $250) and second ($100) runner ups.

Check Out What These Incredible Kids Accomplished!


Monday Morning

We had 18 members at our Monday meeting along with 11 guests.  Joining us as guests were the seven Odyssey of the Mind team members, their coach, Archie Barribeau and three parents.  Gary Ring thanked all the members that donated books for the Grief Relief Raffle Basket.  The Human & Spiritual Aims Committee was able to actually put together three baskets due to our member’s generosity.  “Happy Bucks” were offered by Dawn Scannell for her wedding anniversary and the end of tax season being in sight, Pete Vercouteren for being glad to be back and Bonnie Baerwald for her birthday and also a great vacation that she and Lisa had in Florida.  Gary Miller was the 50/50 Raffle winner on Monday and he drew the Six of Diamonds, a non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 41 cards, including seven pay cards, and a pot of at least $128.

STEM Academy, Odyssey of the Mind

Fond du Lac STEM’s Odyssey of the Mind team was awarded the Ranatra Fusca Creativity Award in Madison on March 21 and invited to the World Finals at Michigan State University. The team concluded months of hard work and dedication by becoming Wisconsin’s latest Ranatra winners for their solution of the problem, “Pandora’s Box.” The team won the overall solution by receiving 187 out of a total 200 points and also won the style category by scoring a perfect 50 points.

The six-month process included the team researching Greek mythology, scientific principles, special effects, different types of communication, music history, figurative language and stage techniques. The team also developed creative problem-solving strategies, a script, and building plans. In addition, students operated power tools safely and integrated art and music into their solution. Students then combined all their acquired knowledge and skills to create the eight-minute production.

The students will represent Fond du Lac and the state of Wisconsin at Michigan State University in East Lansing on May 19 through May 23. At the World Finals, they will compete against students from over 33 countries.

Archie Barribeau is the faculty leader for this team and truly believes in these kids.