Tag Archives: MPTC

What do Pink Pumpkins Have to do with Fundraising?


Monday Morning 

We had 17 members at Monday’s meeting along with our guest speakers, “The Mission Drivers” from MPTC. Two “Happy Bucks” were offered by Bonnie Baerwald for a successful Wild Goose Trail Clean Up and the other for Club Satellite Member Jeff Stueber and his Business Management class from MPTC. Bonnie thanked everyone that helped out on Saturday morning to clean the Wild Goose Trail. We had 11 members and seven guests help out in this effort. Harry Schneider was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the six of Clubs, unfortunately for Harry, not a winner. The 50/50 Raffle drawing on June 2nd will have 21 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $425.

The Great Pink Pumpkin Walk/Run – Jeff Stueber

Jeff Stueber and his Business Management Class from MPTC, “The Mission Drivers”, joined us on Monday morning to talk about their organizing efforts for the October 18th inaugural Great Pink Pumpkin 5K Walk/ Run. The Mission Drivers is a group of ten students under the direction of Jeff Stueber who are planning not only the inaugural Great Pink Pumpkin 5K Run/Walk but also putting into place a sustainable group of people that will carry on this event into future years. The mission of this group is “to serve our communities by utilizing their strengths and skills to create and promote a close community”. Their vision for this project is:

  • Develop a sustainable business model
  • Benefit the community and students involved
  • Raise breast cancer awareness
  • Register at least 200 runners/walkers
  • Raise $1,000 to donate

The group has gotten the support of the MPTC Student Senate, the Culinary Arts, Corrections and EMT departments and 24 individuals and/or companies in the Fond du Lac area. To date they’ve raised almost $3,500 in cash, $210 in gift certificates and in kind donations of water, orange drink, apples and oranges and ice. The cash donation goal is between $4,000 and $5,000 so the group has almost reached that goal with several more months to go. Great Job Mission Drivers.

Kiwanians on the Road to Visit MPTC Library


Monday Morning

We had a very small turnout at Monday’s Road Trip to Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC).  Seven members ventured out and found our destination at the Library at MPTC where we had a bountiful and varied array of breakfast breads, sweet rolls, fruit and beverages.  The students at MPTC were sure to enjoy whatever was left after our meeting.  Gary Miller searched long and hard to bring a piece of humor and did a very nice job with a Christmas themed piece of humor.  There was no 50/50 Raffle on the road so Monday’s drawing will have 40 cards with eight pay cards and a pot of at least $166.

 Moraine Park Technical College Library Sciences

Charlene Pettit introduced who is the Moraine Park Technical College Library Services Coordinator.  Hans has been the Coordinator for the past five years after Charlene officially retired and Hans ascended into her role.  Hans has responsibility for all three campus libraries, Fond du Lac, West Bend and Beaver Dam.  Hans talked about the purpose of the MPTC libraries as a resource for students to work on homework, do research for projects and actually work with other students on group projects and video presentations.  During the tour of the library Hans noted that a large computer lab has been relocated to the library area and staffed by library personnel vs. its previous standalone location.  Also noted in the library tour were several private student work rooms within the library that could be used by students for project meetings, video productions and even video conferencing with other campus libraries.  While there were a number of paper books in the library, it was very evident that technology is a significant asset at the MPTC library.

Hans also talked about the new GED testing process that is the responsibility of the library operation.  Effective January 1st, MPTC libraries will become a Pearson VUE testing center and all GED testing will now be done through Pearson VUE in addition to a large number of other testing opportunities for a variety of professional organizations and regulatory requirements.

Kiwanis Happenings – February 9, 2012

Monday Morning
We had 17 members and 10 guests at Monday’s meeting. Joining us were our guest speaker, Lynn Hill from MPTC along with numerous recipients of over $1,300 donations from the Youth Services Committee. Receiving donations were:

Marlin Towne was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew a Ten of Clubs, a $10 winner. There are now 36 cards left in the deck, four of which are pay cards. Still lots of money to win and four cards to do it with.

Lynn Hill, GED Academy-MPTC
Lynn Hill, Instructional Technology Testing Specialist at MPTC, joined us on Monday morning to tell us about the GED Academy at MPTC. The GED Academy is a 40-hour accelerated program developed as a fast-track alternative way for students to get their GED. The accelerated format is designed to help students complete the entire GED process or get closer to finishing all requirements. The state-required orientation, instruction, careers classes, and testing materials are all included. Orientation and instruction are free. The GED testing fees are $15 per test for five tests for a total of $75. Moraine Park also offers a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) program for students who thrive in a classroom setting. Instructors assist students through course-work, and there are no timed tests. Each student is required to attend six hours each week. Three of those hours must be on Friday morning and the other three hours are flexible. The HSED covers the academic subject areas of reading, math, writing, social studies, science, civics, and health. Students must meet certain academic criteria as determined by required pretesting. Registration is required for both the GED Academy and HSED programs.