Tag Archives: kiwanis

An Army You’ll Really Want to Fight for


Monday Morning

There were 19 members at our Monday meeting plus one guest. Our guest speaker were Telinda Wilson. Happy bucks came from Gary Miller for returning home, Dan for going to London, Harry for his birthday, Bob for his birthday and for the Packers. Special thanks to our greeter, Del. Charlene handled the invocation and Jackie aka Bob had some humor. Bob was the ticket winner. He drew the seven of diamonds for no money. Next Monday’s 50/50 Raffle will have 40 cards in the game including the six pay cards with a pot of about $165. Marlin reported that Christmas presents for our “adopt a family” are delivered. We also purchased $130 in food cards thru the members donations.

Captain Telinda Wilson – Salvation Army

The Wilsons have been here since October 2013. This is their second appointment. Their last appointment was from a small town in Indiana with 9,000 people. William Booth founded the Salvation Army 150 years ago. The chapter in Fond du Lac was formed 125 years ago. The present building is the third location in Fond du Lac. The theme for the Salvation Army this year is “Others”. Some numbers of their support for the community, children’s Christmas gifts – 2,500; coats given out – 1,157. “Back to School, they gave 1,000 certificates for shoes. The Thrift Store gave away $3,000 vouchers from their store items. Regular sales help support the Salvation Army other programs. The Food Pantry serves about 800/1000 people per month for a total of 30,000 pounds of food per month. They gave away 900 turkeys and will give away about 700 Christmas meals. Two of their programs are Salvation Outdoors, Archery & Religion. “Pathway to Hope” works to help get families out of poverty on a permanent basis. This is a pilot program for the Salvation Army. For more details on the Salvation Army or to ring bells, www.salvationarmywi.org/wum/fdl.

Caring End of Life Solutions

Heartland EL (black) [Converted]

Monday Morning

There were 19 members at our Monday meeting plus five guests. Our guest speakers were Bryan Johnson, Hollie Moe, Lynn Marten. Happy bucks came from Glen Treml and John Cooper for the Whitewater football win over Oshkosh. We have honorable mention for Facebook picture of Steve in his tuxedo. Special thanks to our greeters, Glen and Dave. Steve handled the invocation and Dan had some good humor. Jackie King was the ticket winner. She drew the queen of spades for no money. Next Monday’s 50/50 Raffle will have 41 cards in the game including the six pay cards with a pot of about $155. Special thanks to Joan Pinch and Holiday Inn for finding a room on short notice. Almost interclub, Steve, Chris and John attended the Evening Club program with Andy Land. No interclub but it was a great program.

Bryan Johnson – Heartland Hospice

If you only had 6 months to live, what if anything would you do differently? In order to use hospice, you need two doctors to diagnosis that you have six months to live. Hospice is here to provide quality of life in your final days. Only 40 percent of hospice patients are diagnosis with cancer. Hospice helps to manage pain and offer higher quality of life. It is possible to travel for special events with the hospice network. Hospice would never take away a person’s hope. A recent study showed that on average hospice patients live three months longer than patients with similar diagnoses. Heartland Hospice’s team includes nurses, certified nursing assistants, social workers, spiritual caregivers, volunteers and bereavement counselors. Heartland also offers volunteer opportunities. They have three categories: vigil volunteers, friendly volunteers, and special projects. For more information on volunteers or to sign up for training, contact Hollie at 1-800-236-1989.

Best Place to Get in Touch with Nature


Monday Morning

There were 19 members at our Monday meeting plus one guest. Our guest speaker was Tracy McDermott.  Happy bucks came from no one. Everyone was unhappy.  Special thanks to our greeters, Marlin and Chris. Dan handled the invocation and our guest speaker, Tracy did the humor. For the second week in a row, we have a Dr. Waffle Award winner. John was the ticket winner. He drew the eight of clubs for no money. Next Monday’s 50/50 Raffle will have 42 cards in the game including the six pay cards with a pot of about $105.

Tracy McDermott, Gottfried Prairie & Arboretum

Tracy is the executive director of Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum. It is a non-profit entity with no funding from either UW Campus or Fond du Lac County. The project began in 1990 when a group of student and staff approached Dean Bradley Gottfried with an idea to establish a prairie on campus. The majority of land surrounding the campus was open lawn. In 1992, the first 20 acres of native grasses and wildflowers were planted by volunteers. Since then, the prairie has grown to an additional 22 acres. It includes a formal arboretum; interpretive hiking trails a bike trail, a shelter, two native display gardens and a wildlife pool. All projects have been funded with private donations and grants. They have added 4.5 acres representing eight types of Wisconsin forest communities. At one time, most of Fond du Lac County was covered by prairie – native grasslands that were home to bison, prairie chickens, bobolinks and other wildlife. Arboretum is named for Bradley Gottfried, former dean of UW Fond du Lac and a major force behind the project. The arboretum is a public park that is open to the public. The luminary holiday walk is Sunday December 13 from 4:30 to7:30 pm. The annual snowshoe hike is the 3rd week of January. For more information go to their web page.