Monday Morning
There were 12 members at our Monday meeting plus one guest, Judy Goldsmith. .Jackie and Sharon were our greeters. Mark had the grace. Dawn and Marlin had a happy buck. Marlin had his fourth great grandson. Dawn thanked everyone for a great district convention. Gary thanked everyone for the interclub to the noon club. Melissa Schmidt will represent the club at the Boys and Girls Club Annual Spelling Bee in October. Jackie was the winner and a loser. She picked the six of Spades. There are 42 cards left and a pot of $132.00. Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page. We have a projector for our speakers; please contact John if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Peter or myself. Member names are being added under Programs for your future dates.
Judy Goldsmith, Humanity Project
They started in Fond du Lac with eight people three years ago. History hasn’t told the whole story about our history. There are still items such as the slavery abolition, Jim Crowe laws and disadvantages for blacks even after the civil rights laws of 1964. We still have housing discrimination, wage discriminations even in our current era. Prejudice still exists and needs to be broken down for our society to thrive. They meet once a month from September to May. Their meeting is the 1st Wednesday of the month at the Unitarian Church. They will have a kickoff September 13th from 6 – 8:00 at Marian University. You can go to for more information.