Tag Archives: high school

More Key Club Service!


The Fond du Lac High School Key Clubbers have been as busy as Santa’s elves.  Over the next several weeks they’ll be helping with Shop With a Cop, Fondy Food Pantry to create holiday grocery boxes, ARC Bingo Night, Christmas Cookie Decorating, and Christmas Adopt-A-Family.

They also have coming up over the next several months the ARC house cleaning, Polar Plunge, and Reading at the Children’s Museum. Keep an eye out for the Key Clubbers as they endeavor to make our community and world a better place to live. We are proud of our key clubbers and encourage them to keep up the fantastic work.

What Can a Group of Teenagers Get Done?

key_clubA lot, as a matter of fact, especially if they are the North Fond du Lac Key Club. This group is made up 58 North Fond du Lac high school students who believe their time is better spent helping others than serving themselves. We salute this great group of future leaders who are helping make the world and our community a better place. Here is just a sample of some of the ways they are out to improve the world they live in:

  • Donated $40 to FDL Stock the Shelves
  • Contributed $155 to two different Adopt-a-Family projects in the District
  • Donated $200 toward the turkey drive
  • Recent donut sale generated a $65 profit
  • Helped out at the Optimist’s Pancake Breakfast and received a $159 donation
  • Helped the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Project by helping to pack toys and distribute them to the children.


Cardinal WINGS Program Reports Progress



Monday Morning

We had a better crowd, but still small, of 15 members at Monday morning’s meeting, along with our guest speaker, Valerie Lenz from Fond du Lac High School and potential member Dawn Scannell, guest of Sharon Kollman.  Gary Miller will be looking for volunteers next Monday for an InterClub to the Ripon Early Birds on Thursday, August 21st.  Their meeting starts at 7:00AM.  Check your calendars to see if you can help fill this InterClub.  “Happy Bucks” were offered by Sharon Kollman for her guest and niece, Dawn Scannell, Bonnie Baerwald for returning from a great vacation in Asheville last week and Gary Miller because he can still fit into his 55th year high school class reunion t-shirt.  Dawn Scannell was the winner of the 50/50 Raffle drawing on Monday and she drew the Two of Diamonds, not a winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 13 cards with three pay cards and a pot of at least $522.

Valerie Lenz – Fond du Lac High School Cardinal WINGS

Valerie Lenz has been in the Fond du Lac School District for the past 15 years and prior to that she taught in the Campbellsport School District.  In both districts she has been in the special education arena.  For the past five years Valerie has headed up the Cardinal WINGS (Working Independently Nurturing Goals Success) program.  The school district believes in the importance of assisting students as they transition from the school environment into the community and work environment.  The young adult students range in age from 18 to 21 and attend the district’s CWD (Children With Disabilities) apartment classroom. The program is based on helping cognitively disabled students develop the life skills they need to become independent. The apartment is located within Riverside Elementary School.  Once a month, WINGS students assist at the Fondy Food Pantry and help deliver food to three elementary schools involved in the Food for Thought program.  WINGS students work as a team at Fondy Food Pantry to practice real-life, work-related skills such as sorting, counting, organizing, multiple-step tasks and multiple-step directions.