Tag Archives: fundraising

Kiwanians Busy Raising Funds to Help Our Community

As usual for this time of year, news is slow for the Kiwanis Club of Fabulous Fond du Lac as our weekly meetings are much less formal. However, that doesn’t mean the AM Kiwanis of Fond du Lac aren’t busy. Our annual Walleye Weekend fundraiser has consumed much of our time and our last two meetings in the beginning of June. Rather than talk about what we are doing right now, though; we would like to thank some people.

First, thank you to our service men and women who have sacrificed their schedules, health, and, in some cases, lives to defend our freedoms. As our country recently celebrated Memorial Day, we at Kiwanis were reminded of how much we have because of your sacrifice. Thank you for your willingness to serve.

Second, thank you to Danny Loomans who worked incredibly hard to raise funds and food for many who are less fortunate. Although you didn’t break the record, you inspired us all with your organization and dedication to an idea so much bigger than you. Thank you for your example and your hard work.

Third, thank you to the Fond du Lac community. Thanks for supporting us at our Walleye Weekend Fundraiser. None of the funds we raise or the things we accomplish could be done without your faithful support of our organization and others like ours. Thank you for giving of yourselves.

We will be back to regular meetings this coming Monday with a presentation from Mike Gneuech of Fondy Football. Why not stop in a see what Kiwanis is all about and give yourself to something bigger than you.