Tag Archives: fond du lac county

What’s Happening in Fond du Lac County?


Monday Morning

There were 12 members at our Monday meeting plus two guests. Joining us were our speaker, Allen Buechel and Key club member, Roxie Mulhalland. Charlene handled the prayer and rumor. Happy bucks came from Gary Miller and Jan. Side note – Del is at home. Call for an appointment to visit. Monday’s 50/50, Steve was the winner. He drew the six of clubs, no winner. Raffle will have 19 cards in the game including the five pay cards with a pot of about $441.  We have a projector for our speakers; please contact Gary Miller if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Dave or myself.

Allen Buechel, Fond du Lac County Executive

Allen has served as Executive since 1993 after serving on the County Board for 17 years. Some of Allen’s highlights are piloting a welfare reform program starting in 1994, county’s program for long term care program for elderly, and regional medical examiners program serving 14 counties. Other major projects include addition of the new University Center, consolidation of four dispatch services, safety upgrade to airport, expansion of county golf course, three new parks and major expansion of the jail. Allen talked about temporary changes to the intersection of Hwy K and Hwy 23. Because the Hwy 23 project is on hold, they need to make changes to handle the new traffic load. It will be similar to the intersections on the bypass. They are upgrading Hwy V and Hwy 151 bypass.  Hwy 45 over 151 will lose it off ramps to 151 and become a county road. And finally Harbor Haven is being remodeling. Thanks to Allen for the update and any questions.

See What Fond du Lac County Has Planned


Monday Morning

There were 17 members at our Monday meeting plus one guest. Sam Tobias was our guest speaker. Sharon had humor for the morning. She is a natural. Dave Twohig led us in prayer.  Dan Leeds and Dave Lefeber greeted the group. Sharon picked the three of clubs for a non-winner. Next Monday’s 50/50 Raffle will have 35 cards in the game including the five pay cards with a pot of about $225.  Happy bucks came from Sharon for her vacation in Jamaica. Don’t forget Dan’s Annual School Auction. See the attachment for more details. West Bend Kiwanis Chili Cook Off is February 6th. Side note-we donated our old trophies to ARC.

Sam Tobias – Fond du Lac County Planning and Development

Sam talked about the different parks and trails in Fond Du Lac County. He recommended that we visit the Parks and Trails section on the county web page, www.fdlco.wi.gov . Hobbs Woods is the most used park. Riggs Park in Ripon is the lightest use park. The Ripon Kiwanis is helping to build a splash pad at Riggs. Columbia Park will get a fish cleaning station this summer. Waupun has both a playground and a disc golf course. Some day if highway 23 is completed, it will have a bike trail similar to the Sheboygan section of 23. Someday, they would like to complete the bike trail from Eden to Fond du Lac. As well as the bike trail through Rosendale. Fond du Lac is fortunate to have a number of great parks and trails, visit the county web for all the details.

Habitat for Humanity Continues Incredible Outreach to Community


Monday Morning

We had 16 members at our Monday meeting at the Retlaw along with our speaker Paul Osterholm from Fond du Lac Habitat for Humanity.  Gary Miller continued promoting the Noon Club’s Grilled Cheese & Chili Lunch on February 19th as our February Inter Club.  Happy Bucks were offered up by Jan Krug for being in California last Monday and in Mexico for the next two Mondays, Bonnie Baerwald for a successful Project Linus last week and Gary Miller for the upcoming Noon Club InterClub.  Vickie Goldapske was the 50/50 Raffle winner again on Monday and she drew the Seven of Diamonds, another non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 49 cards, including eight pay cards, and a pot of at least $30.

Paul Osterholm, Habitat for Humanity

Paul Osterholm joined us on Monday morning to give us an update on the local Habitat for Humanity operation.  They recently moved into their new space next to the Fond du Lac Children’s Museum.  Paul welcomed everyone to come out and see their new space and shop for items that you didn’t even know you might need.

The next Habitat House will have a ground breaking at their new build site at 596 S Main Street in April 2015.  This new home will be a 1,200 square foot, three bedroom home with a basement but no garage.  Paul estimated that the total cost of the home will be in the $115,000 range.  This will be the 27th home built by our local Habitat in the Fond du Lac area.  The past 26 homes have contributed over $50,000 in real estate taxes since the first house was built in 1996.  Over 1,600 volunteers participate in building a Habitat House along with a number of businesses that contribute supplies and workers in these build efforts.  Lowe’s sponsors “Ladies Month”, which for the 2015 build will be all of the weekends in May.  All Habitat Houses are five star energy rated homes.   In addition to all of the volunteers and businesses, the new family is required to put in at least 300 hours of sweat equity toward the building of their new home.  Habitat acts as the bank and holds a 0% interest mortgage on the new home.