Tag Archives: fond du lac

Autism Project Pitched to AM Kiwanis

Autism Awareness Logo
Monday Morning
We had 16 members and our guest speaker, Immediate Past Lt. Governor Tonya Alling, at our flooded Monday meeting. Due to an unexpected flood in our meeting room at Main Street Lounge & Café, we had to meet in the restaurant section. Hopefully things will be back to normal by next Monday morning. Gary Miller had four for an InterClub to the Kewaskum Club on Monday evening, but he was also looking for an insurance member or two in case someone needed to cancel. “Happy Bucks” were offered by our speaker Tonya Alling for a potential new member for our Club, Todd Elliot, who is a personal friend of Tonya’s and who is looking to get involved in a FDL Kiwanis Club. Gary Miller also had a “Happy Buck” in anticipation of a successful InterClub to Kewaskum. Gary Ring noted that Danny Loomans is holding a press conference on Friday at FDL High School to kick off the Food for Freedom Drive that he’s embarking on. Governor Walker and/or the Wisconsin First Lady are expected to be attending. Ron Seidl was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Ace of Clubs. Not a winner so the pot continues to grow. Next Monday’s game will have 37 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $193.

Tonya Alling, Kiwanis Autism Project
WI-UM Kiwanis District Governor Lynn and First Lady Merita Messer are passionate about helping children on the Autism Spectrum learn and communicate. Their granddaughter, Kelsey, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of eight, so the Messers have firsthand experience with the unique challenges for children on the spectrum. It has been proven that autistic children benefit from the use of software Apps available for the Apple® iPad. An iPad with a protective case and one app will cost approximately $500. Governor Messer’s goal is to raise over $500,000 during his term, which will be used to furnish iPads, Autism software Apps, and protective cases for at least 1,000 children on the Autism Spectrum in the WI-UM Kiwanis District.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a life-long disability that affects the way a person communicates and relates to other Those affected typically display major impairments in three areas: social interaction, communication and behavior. According to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 88 children in the United States have autism in some form. Teachers are using iPads as a tool to reach out to children with ASD and the results are remarkable. Autistic children are showing tremendous improvement after playing fun-filled exercises on the iPad which is less stressful and more fun for the teachers and students, and mutually beneficial for parents, siblings and other caregivers.
Tonya talked about the strategy her Ripon Kiwanis Club has taken to jump start this fund-raising effort as well as the use of the “FirstGiving” webpage to also help raise funds for this project.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Shows Camaraderie to Kiwanis

Big Brothers Big Sisters Logo
Monday Morning
We had 19 members, our guest speaker, Kay Vandervort from Big Brothers/Big Sisters and two North Fond du Lac Horace Mann Key Clubbers, Perla Chavez and Cynthia Newton. Gary Miller has four for an InterClub to the Kewaskum Club on January 28th, next Monday evening, but he’s still looking for an insurance member or two in case someone needs to cancel. Check your calendar and let Gary know if you could do an InterClub in Kewaskum Monday evening. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Bonnie Baerwald for a successful Solution Center Christmas Tree Collection Project, Gary Miller in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday and Vickie Goldapske for surviving Jackson’s 7-year-old birthday party and bowling with 20 youngsters. Bonnie Baerwald informed the group that the UW-FDL Habitat for Humanity Club is having a Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser on March 9th at Grace Christian Church if anyone is interested. Also several of our members, through their employer Adashun Jones, are sponsoring a benefit fundraiser this Saturday for Hunter Propst (see attached flyer) if you’re inclined to participate. Dan Leeds reminded the group that Trinity Baptist School is having their Annual Auction on Friday night at their school. Check out last Sunday’s Action Advertiser for all the details. Dave Twohig was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the King of Hearts. That’s really close to a winner but not close enough. Next Monday’s game will have 38 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $182.

Kay Vandervort – Big Brothers Big Sisters
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County is dedicated to providing children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a voluntary program though which a professional support team oversees a mature, sincere adult volunteer in the development of a supportive, longterm friendship with a child. Often viewed as a recreational program, the greater mission or goal is fun and friendship, with an emphasis on the prevention or early intervention of potential difficulties that children may encounter or develop. Kay noted that Big Brothers Big Sisters currently has 113 matches in place with 50 unmatched “Littles” on a waiting list. Their goal for the current year is to have 130 matches by year end. Kay talked about the upcoming “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” which is one of their major fundraisers coming up the first weekend in March. According to Kay, the average bowling team raises $500 towards the approximate cost of $1000 to support a “Littles” match.

Marian University Professor Discusses Studying Abroad

Monday Morning
We had 18 members, our guest speaker, Jeffry Reed, PhD from Marian University and four North Fond du Lac Horace Mann Key Clubbers, Perla Chavez, Shannon Jones, Cynthia Newton and Amanda Olson. Gary Miller has four for an InterClub to the Kewaskum Club on January 21st, next Monday evening, but he’s still looking for an insurance member or two in case someone needs to cancel. Check your calendar and let Gary know if you could do an InterClub in Kewaskum Monday evening. Bonnie Baerwald circulated a Thank You note from our Christmas Adopted Family and also reminded members of our Saturday Christmas Tree Pick Project. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Gary Miller, for being back amongst the living after a bout with the respiratory illness that’s going around and Bob Kahl in anticipation of Deanna’s second hip procedure and also their attendance at Robb’s swearing in as the new 47th District Assemblyman. President Marlin also noted that we missed our newest member, Mitch Loomans’, birthday last week so we belted out a belated Happy Birthday for Mitch. Harry Schneider was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew a Jack of Hearts. That’s really close to a winner but not close enough. Next Monday’s game will have 39 cards with eight pay cards and a pot of at least $169.

Marian University – Jeffrey Reed, PhD
Dr. Reed has been at Marian University since 1998 and since 2007 has been the Dean of the School of Business and Public Safety. Dr. Reed also is involved in Marian’s Study Abroad program which is what he spoke about on Monday. Dr. Reed told us about his first Study Abroad opportunity in early 2006 with the Marian Chamber Singers to Austria and Bavaria. The trip was two weeks in duration and included six formal performances. The group of students, faculty, staff and spouses also did a lot of touring to such spots as Dachau, Auschwitz, Vienna, Salzburg and a num-ber of other spots. Dr. Reed then talked in details about a semester long Study Abroad to Harlaxton, England during the fall semester of 2006. Dr. Reed spent 16 weeks as a Visiting Professor at Harlaxton College in Grantham, England. He taught while living with the students and other faculty members at Harlaxton. To enhance the experience for Dr. Reed and those students from Marian that were also in attendance, they were able to travel extensively around England, Scotland and Ireland on their free weekends.