Tag Archives: fond du lac

Fond du Lac County Health Department Introduces New Nurse

Fond du Lac County Logo
Monday Morning
We had 18 members and our guest speaker, Kim Mueller, at Monday’s meeting. Dan Leeds had a humorous story that kept Gary Miller in his seat. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Del Waldschmidt for his upcoming vacation to Cancun, Bonnie Baerwald for Lisa’s successful knee replacement surgery and Gary Miller for a successful Celebrate Comm-unity last Saturday. Gary Miller announced an InterClub to the Noon Club for Tuesday, February 26th at the Elks Club. Check your calendar and let Gary know on Monday if you can make this date. Del Waldschmidt was the 50/50 raffle winner and he was ready to win the big one for his vacation. Unfortunately for Del he drew the Two of Diamonds, not the winner he was hoping for. Next Monday’s game will have 34 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $228.

Kim Mueller – Fond du Lac County Health Department
Kim Mueller was recently appointed as FDL County’s new Public Health Nurse. Kim has been employed with the Fond du Lac County Health Department for the past four years and previously worked at Froedtert Hospital for two years as a registered nurse. Kim grew up in Campbellsport and she received a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and a Masters of Nursing degree from the University of Phoenix. She noted that it wasn’t easy to find a spot in public health, so when a home health position opened in Fond du Lac County Kim saw it as a natural fit.
Dental assistance for individuals on medical assistance, mental health care, alcohol use and abuse and increasing rates of obesity are all health issues that need addressing, Kim told us. Kim sees the county’s pressing health issues as an opportunity to touch people’s lives. A community health assessment conducted four years ago identified areas of need in the community. Kim said her goal is to get more people engaged in public health by forming collaborative partnerships. The 2011 Community Health Assessment was a collaborative effort with the Public Health Department, the hospital and various businesses in Fond du Lac County

School Choice Wisconsin Presents Choices to Kiwanis

school choice wisconsin logo
Monday Morning
We had 15 members and six guests at our Monday meeting back in our regular meet-ing room after the flood. Joining us were our guest speakers Sean Twohig, Jim Bender and Terry Brown and three Fond du Lac High School Key Clubbers, Katie Bucher, Megan Buechel and Luckie Cha. Gary Miller had a groaner for our weekly humor so members are encouraged to find and bring humor to our Monday meetings so we can keep Gary sitting in his chair during the humor section of our meeting. Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Three of Hearts. Not a winner so the pot continues to grow. Next Monday’s game will have 35 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $216.

Sean Twohig – School Choice Wisconsin
School Choice Wisconsin is a non-profit organization that seeks to ensure an honest debate about school choice by providing accurate information on the impact of school choice on families, communities, and schools. A state-wide organization headquartered in Milwaukee, home of the nation’s largest and oldest voucher program for low and middle-income families, School Choice Wisconsin supports expanded educational options for parents through the use of school vouchers, charter schools, and innovative public-private partnerships. Sean Twohig, local proponent of School Choice brought along Jim Bender, President of School Choice Wisconsin and Terry Brown, Vice President of School Choice Wisconsin. School Choice Wisconsin provides comprehensive and timely information on educational options in Wisconsin and voucher programs nationally. The organization’s extensive website is used by reporters, elected officials and staff, and education researchers across the country. School Choice Wisconsin also hosts informational visits to Milwaukee by groups from throughout the country inter-ested in understanding the city’s innovative educational programs.
Jim and Terry entertained questions about why they’re such proponents of school choice and questions about what school choice could do to local school districts. It was an interesting discussion.

Lutheran Home & Health Services Wellness Coordinator Discusses Kiwanian’s Health

Lutheran Homes and Health Services Logo
Monday Morning
We had 19 members and our guest speaker, Mary Jo Neumann, Wellness Coordinator at Fond du Lac Lutheran Home. Gary Miller announced that we had a successful InterClub to the Kewaskum Club last Monday evening. Steve Millin had a “Happy Buck” for a successful move to their new house last Saturday; unfortunately it was a cold day to move. Gary Ring announced that United for Diversity is holding their “Celebrate Comm-unity” on Saturday, February 16th at the Fairgrounds if anyone is interested. Bonnie Baerwald circulated thank you notes from Solution Center and United Way for our assistance in their fundraisers. She also noted that the Club Satellite was providing meals for the warming shelter on Tuesday and Thursday this week as well as promoting a “Linus Project” night at MPTC on Monday, February 25th from 4:00–8:00PM; everyone’s welcome to attend and help make blankets. Dave Twohig was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Four of Diamonds. Not a winner so the pot continues to grow. Next Monday’s game will have 36 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $204.

Mary Jo Neumann – Lutheran Homes & Health Services
Mary Jo Neumann, Wellness Coordinator at Lutheran Homes & Health Services (LHHS) and Certified Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer, is an accomplished specialist in wellness and nutrition, serving individuals of all ages with a variety of exercise and total wellness programs. She has been involved in fitness and wellness for over 28 years. She started her presentation by making us all get up and do a couple of stretching exercises. She told us that a basic thing for us to remember is to stay active to improve and/or maintain our flexibility. Then Mary Jo talked about nutrition and how it is so important for our ongoing wellness. She reference a body of research that she’s been following that involves the pH of our body and our blood stream. She stated that our blood stream should have an ideal pH range of 7.35-7.45 on a scale of 0–14. She outlined foods that very acidic (low pH) and foods that are very alkaline (high pH). The highly acidic food group is made up of roots, seeds, muscle and processed foods. The highly alkaline food group is made up of foods such as water, lemons, fruits & vegetables, nuts & select seeds, and raw whole foods. Mary Jo passed around a bag of goji berries to taste as she noted that they were probably the best food that we could eat to help balance our pH.