Tag Archives: fond du lac

Just Fare Market Discusses Fair Trade

Monday Morning
We had 18 members at Monday’s meeting along with our guest speakers Carol and Cathy from Just Fare. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Gary Miller, one for a successful St. Baldrick’s event last Sunday and one for a successful Friends of Taylor Park Pool fund raiser Blues Concert last Saturday night and Dan Leeds for a successful “Souped Up” fundraiser last week. Dan Leeds was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Four of Spades, not a winner. Next Monday’s game will have 31 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $268.

Just Fare Market
Just Fare Market is a non-profit, volunteer, non-denominational, 501(c)(3) retail link in the Fair Trade chain, partnering with wholesalers and artisans and farmers in the developing world to ensure: a fair price for products, empowerment and self-sufficiency, investment in communities and gender equity. Fair Trade encourages environmentally sustainable practices throughout the entire trading chain. Just Fare Market is a faith based nonprofit organization improving lives through global partnerships and fair trade.
They strive to:

  • Educate our community about the social and environmental consequences of a globalized economy and the benefits of Fair Trade.
  • Encourage people to become more mindful of how, where and by whom the products they are buying and consuming are produced.
  • Provide an outlet to market Fair Trade handicrafts, clothing, and food prod-ucts created by artisans and farmers in developing countries.

Many of the individuals involved in Just Fare Market participate because of the heart-felt dilemma of living in a world of God’s great abundance where we have enough–or more than enough–and others do not. They believe in empowerment rather than dependency as a way to address this inequity in resources and lifestyle.
It may seem as if what is being done is small, but for every T-shirt purchased, a seamstress can support her children. She purchases the cotton from a local farmer, who can provide for his family. The farmer purchases from others, and the chain of hope continues on and on. The chain goes on for generations, as these individuals are able to educate their children. Those children gain the tools and skills to make their hopes and dream a reality.

Cardinal Singers’ Fond du Lads Stop by to Entertain

Fond du Lac High School Cardinal Singers
Monday Morning
We had a smaller group of 15 members again at Monday’s meeting but 10 guests were also in attendance. Joining us was Sandra Smet from the VFW Auxiliary to accept a check for a Badger Girl State sponsorship, Cory Schneider from FDL High School Choral Department as our guest speaker, and eight Fond du Lads to entertain us. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Dave Twohig for coming from a 92 degree vacation back to ski with his family and also to return to his Kiwanis Family on Monday morning and Gary Miller for a cancer free visit to his dermatologist. Glen Treml was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Three of Clubs, not a winner. Next Monday’s game will have 32 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $254.

Cory Schneider – Cardinal Singers
Cory Schneider has been the choral director at Fond du Lac High School since 1998, having assumed the position Director of Choirs in 2001. Prior to his time at Fond du Lac High School, he taught choral music at Sabish Junior High School in Fond du Lac and Fox River Middle School in Waterford.
The Cardinal Singers are a choral club that practices in off school hours and days. Typically the group practices before school begins and/or on Sundays. The Christmas programs that the Cardinal Signers do are mostly self-directed while the Spring Programs are directed by Cory. During the Christmas season the group does anywhere from 30 to 35 programs for local groups. The Cardinal Singers also do competitions, not so much for the awards, but for the experience of performing. The group travels to various competitions every other year outside of Wisconsin and has been quite successful. The Singers also do more than performances. They do numerous activities at the local elementary schools on a regular basis to instill the love of music at an early age. Cory brought along a sub-group of the Cardinal Singers, the Fond du Lads, who performed a couple of numbers for our group. The group is self-directed and is made up of a mix of seniors, juniors and sophomores. They were quite entertaining. The final piece of information that Cory left us with was a statistic that the Cardinal Singers carry a 3.6 average grade point. They are not only talented but smart as well.

Food for Freedom Set to Begin

Food for Freedom Logo
Monday Morning
We had a smaller group of 15 members and our guest speaker, Danny Loomans, at Monday’s meeting. “Happy Bucks” were offered by John Copper and Dave Lefeber for their upcoming vacations to Florida, Sharon Kollman for her granddaughter’s fifth place finish at the Green Lake fisheree and Pete Vercouteren for his and Barb’s not getting injured in a traffic accident on slippery roads last Friday night. Gary Miller was able to get five volunteers for an InterClub to the Noon Club for Tuesday. Marlin circulated a Get Well card for members to sign to encourage Ron Seidl to get better soon so he can get back to our Monday meetings. Dan Leeds announced that Trinity Baptist School was sponsoring a “Souped-Up” fundraiser on Thursday night at the Trinity Baptist School gym from 4:00-7:00pm. Carryouts are available. Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he was ready to win the big one for his vacation. Unfortunately for Dave he drew the Six of Hearts, not the winner he was hoping for. Next Monday’s game will have 33 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $242.

Danny Loomans – Food for Freedom
Danny Loomans is a 16-year-old junior at Fond du Lac High School who is the driving force behind the Food For Freedom effort. The goals for the Food for Freedom effort are as follows:

  1. To provide Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Winnebago, Outagamie, and Brown counties with substantial amounts of food to feed thousands of people who are less fortunate in our communities.
  2. To be a leading effort in large food drives or other charitable events around our communities, our state, and our nation.
  3. To give the citizens of our communities emotions of excitement, accomplishment, success, fun and purpose.

The obvious question is how can we help?

  • Option 1: Donate Funds
  • Option 2: Organize a Food Drive at your Organization or place of business
  • Option 3: Be on a Board Subcommittee
  • Option 4: Volunteer During the Event
  • Option 5: Spread the Word About this Wonderful Event!

The event will be held on Saturday, May 25th starting at 1:00pm until Sunday, May 26th, ending at 1:00pm. During this 24 hour period it is hoped that over 560,000 pounds of food will be collected, sorted and loaded into semis for delivery to food pantries in the five county area. It is expected that over 1,000 volunteers will help with this herculean effort to not only break a Guinness World Record but also provide much needed food supplies for local food pantries that can in turn help those less fortunate than ourselves. If anyone can get it done, it will be Danny. What a fine, ambitious young man.