Tag Archives: fond du lac

Master Gardeners Plant Passion for Plants in Kiwanians

Monday Morning
We had a nice turnout at Monday’s meeting with 18 members along with our guest speakers Dolores Braun and Patty Percy. Ron Seidl had two “Happy Bucks,” one in thanks that God left him live after his recent illness and the other in thanks to the Club and its members for their thoughts and prayers during his recent illness. Chris Serres announced that she’s putting together a polo shirt order in the next several weeks. If anyone wants a new polo, let Chris know no later than April 15th. Sharon Kollman was the 50/50 Raffle winner and she drew the four of Hearts, not a winner. Next Monday’s game will have 28 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $312 (now we’re getting into some real winnings).

Dolores Braun and Patty Percy, Master Gardner Association
The mission of the Master Gardener Volunteer Association is to provide horticultural information and education to Fond du Lac County area residents, provide continuing horticultural education to its members, and facilitates the exchange of ideas, information and experiences among members. Their goal is to help the people in our communities to become better gardeners so they are able to grow their own produce and landscape their living spaces successfully.
While taking the opportunity to become involved with their organization, you will have the experience of learning and working with people who have the same interests. They have a lot of fun making friends while getting involved with projects because they all have the same passion for gardening and plants. They encourage everyone to become a Certified Master Gardener Volunteer. Every year you need to complete 24 hours of volunteer work. To maintain Certified Master Gardener Volunteer status, an individual must complete 24 hours of volunteer work and 10 hours of continuing education.
The Master Gardeners also have been working with local schools (Chegwin, Pier, Riverside, Rosenow, Riverside and Theisen) by establishing school gardens to motivate the students. The Club’s major fundraiser is their plant sale on May 25th if you’re looking for an easy way to buy your spring plantings.

Project Linus Presents Mission to Blanket the World with Love

Monday Morning
We had a large group at Monday’s meeting with 19 members, 11 Key Clubbers and our guest speaker. Joining us from the North Fond du Lac Key Club were Perla Chavez & Cynthia Newton, from the Fond du Lac Key Club were Sydney Blaine, Katie Bucher, Luckie Cha, Kevin Ditter, Joshua Gutzmann, Sarah Jacobsen. Brad Morgan, Emily Nett and Bridget Stollfus along with our guest speaker Penny Kollmansberger. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Gary Ring for a successful mission trip to build houses in Biloxi, MS last week and by Gary Miller ($2) one each of our Key Clubs in attendance at Monday’s meeting. Bonnie Baerwald announced a Community Services Committee meeting next Thursday (4/4) at 11:15am in the MPTC Cafeteria before the Club Satellite meeting. Marlin Towne was the 50/50 Raffle winner (2nd week in a row) and he drew the six of Spades, still not a winner. Next Monday’s game will have 29 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $297.

Penny Kollmansberger, Project Linus
Penny Kollmansberger is the Chapter Coordinator of the Fond du Lac County Chapter of Project Linus, located right here in Fond du Lac. It is the mission of Project Linus to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers”. It is Project Linus’s secondary mission to provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children. The National Chapter of Project Linus began in 1995 and the local chapter was formed in 2006. The local chapter has produced over 7,300 blankets since they began in 2006, with most of those blankets going to local children. In times of “national/regional emergencies” some of the blankets could go to needy children in other parts of the country. Our Club Satellite sponsored a “blanketeer” night several weeks ago with a great turn out of Club Satellite and Host Club members all making blankets of various shapes and sizes.

District Attorney Toney Discusses Law and Order in FdL County

Monday Morning
We had 18 members at Monday’s meeting along with our guest speaker Eric Toney. Bob Kahl had a “Happy Buck” for Deanna’s successful hip replacement surgery several weeks ago. Bob was quite proud of his newly recognized nursing skills. Gary Miller is looking for additional members who might be interested in attended an InterClub to the West Bend German Night on Tuesday evening, March 26th. Final chance to sign up will be at Monday’s meeting. Gary Miller also circulated “Thank Yous” from the Girl Scouts and the American Legion Auxiliary. Marlin Towne was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the eight of Diamonds, not a winner. Next Monday’s game will have 30 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $282.

Eric Toney, Fond du Lac County District Attorney
Eric Toney is the newly elected FDL County DA and he joined us on Monday to talk about the DA’s Office. The mission of the Fond du Lac County District Attorney’s Office is to promote public peace and safety by just and vigorous prosecution; to seek and do impartial justice by ensuring that the guilty are punished and the innocent go free; to protect the health and welfare of children who are victims of child abuse and neglect; to safeguard the rule of law and to promote citizens’ participation in law enforcement by treating all persons who come in contact with the criminal justice system with fairness, dignity and respect. Eric told us that they have eight attorneys, including himself, in the DA’s office plus support staff. Five of the attorneys cover the five circuit judges in FDL County and three attorneys, funded through grants, cover the Misdemeanor Diversion Program, sexual assault cases and Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) cases. Eric also talked about the concept of a Drug Court that’s being explored in Fond du Lac County. The concept would hopefully get first time offenders, if they qualify, into a treatment program that would help them live normal, productive lives. The final words of wisdom from Eric were that speeding violations will no longer be plead to a non-speeding violation and failure to yield to emergency vehicles and school buses will be strictly enforced.