Tag Archives: fond du lac

Leadership Fond du Lac Invites Kiwanians to Leap into JUMP Project

Monday Morning
We had a huge turnout at Monday’s meeting with 16 members and 15 guests. Joining us on Monday were 11 Key Clubbers from North Fond du Lac’s Horace Mann, Michael Friedel, Jessica Gohde, Cami Hoerth, Briana Mathes, Brooke Mathes, Emily Romuald, Brittany Sabel, Ericka Schwartz, Russ Schwartz, Tianna Robinson, and Pa Vang along with their advisor, Jean Hintze, Danny Loomans from the Fond du Lac Key Club and our two guest speakers, Kelly Jo McClanathan and Jennifer Schoonover. The Fund Raising Committee presented Danny Loomans with a check for $1,000 for the Food For Freedom Project from the proceeds from the NFDL PDQ Brat Fry. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Gary Ring in appreciation for his family’s surprise birthday party over the weekend, Sharon Kollman for her last two days of work this week before she retires and Jan Krug ($5 of her own money, not Del’s) for all of the Horace Mann Key Clubbers and Jean Hintze at our Monday meeting. Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle Winner and he drew the Nine of Diamonds. Not a winner so the kitty continues to grow. Monday’s game will have 25 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $357.

Team JUMP, Leadership Fond du Lac
Kelly Jo McClanathan and Jennifer Schoonover joined us on Monday morning to tell us about their Team JUMP Leadership Fond du Lac Project. In support of future waterfront district development, including the move of the Children’s Museum, Team JUMP found that a plot of land behind the new site of the Children’s Museum is underdeveloped and not being maintained. In past years, the area housed many businesses; however, most of the store fronts are now vacant. Team JUMP plans to design and construct an exploratory nature area on a portion of this plot to serve as a future connection to Lakeside Park. Utilizing natural grasses, trees and plant life that are native to the area, their goal is to assist in reinvigorating the development of this area by attracting visitors to the site by making it more visually appealing, as well as providing a learning environment for visitors of the Children’s Museum, Lakeside Park and area business. Team JUMP is holding a work session on Saturday, May 11th, starting at 9:00AM for anyone that wants to help build this park like area behind the new location of the Children’s Museum. If you want to help on Saturday or just want to make a monetary donation contact Kelly Jo McClanathan through the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce website.

Kiwanians Hold Annual Meeting

Mondau Morning
We had a great turnout at Monday’s Annual Meeting with 22 members. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Del Waldschmidt for a Brewer win on Sunday and Jan Krug for her husband’s birthday, although Del had to put the $1 in. Pete Vercouteren reported that the three local Kiwanis Clubs are designating the Food For Freedom Drive as our Kiwanis One Project. They’ll be looking for volunteer supervisors for four hour shifts and volunteer fork lift operators for two hour shifts. More details to follow. Marlin noted that the FDL Fire Department is sponsoring a Brat Fry on Friday, April 26th to benefit the local Red Cross Chapter. The Brat Fry will be at the South Main Street station if you’re interested. Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Six of Clubs, still not a winner. The next raffle drawing on April 29th will have 26 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $343.

Annual Meeting
Marlin Towne, President, called the Annual Meeting of the Kiwanis of Fabulous Fond du Lac to order. The first order of business was the election of Officers and Directors for the 2013-14 Administrative Year. There were no nominations from the floor so the published slate of Officers and Directors were voted on by the membership. The results of that vote were sealed until the Club Satellite votes on the same slate at their Thursday meeting. The second order of business was the adoption of the revised bylaws for our Club to bring us into compliance with Kiwanis International’s recently released model by-laws. Copies of the revised by-laws were sent to the membership two weeks in advance of the Annual Meeting. After a brief presentation and discussion the proposed by-laws were approved by a unanimous vote. A request was brought to the membership to use the Club’s grill assets for two non-profit group’s fundraisers. After a brief discussion it was approved to allow the use of the two charcoal grills that are no longer used by the Club. The grills will need to be picked up and returned to our storage location by the groups using them with their own trailers.

Sisters of St Agnes Explain Ministry at Kiwanis

Monday Morning
We had another nice turnout at Monday’s meeting with 19 members along with our guest speakers Sr. Joann Sambs and Terry Letvinchuck. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Bonnie Baerwald for a successful Club Satellite meeting and fundraiser ($1,600 to St. Baldrick’s), Charlene Pettit for attendance at the Mid-Winter Conference, Glen Treml for his new granddaughter, and Jan Krug for her son running his first marathon this past weekend. Chris Serres is putting together a polo shirt order in the next several weeks. If anyone wants a new polo, let Chris know no later than April 15th. Dave Twohig was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Jack of Clubs, still not a winner. Next Monday’s drawing will have 27 cards, eight pay cards and a pot of at least $325.

Sister Joann Sambs and Terry Letvinchuck, Sisters of St. Agnes
Sr. Joann Sambs, General Superior, and Terry Letvinchuck, Development Director, for the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes (CSA) joined us Monday morning to tell us about CSA. The Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes was founded in Barton, Wisconsin, on August 12, 1858. Father Caspar Rehrl, an Austrian missionary, established a sisterhood of pioneer women under the patronage of St. Agnes of Rome to whom he had a special devotion. At first the group suffered such untold hardship that, for a few months in 1861, it was re-duced to one blind sister. The arrival of Mary Hazotte in 1863 gave the fledgling community a new life and leadership when she, in 1864 at the age of 17, was elected general superior. Mother Agnes Hazotte directed the move from Barton to Fond du Lac, WI, in 1870 and served as the community’s leader until her death in 1905. In 1870, Father Francis Haas, OFM Capu-chin, became the spiritual director of the community and assisted in revising the original rule. These three founders paved the ways for growth and expansion. Today the Sisters of St. Agnes minister with simplicity, hospitality, and missionary zeal in the United States and Latin America. There are currently 249 Sisters in CSA, down from a high of about 800 in the late 1960’s early 1970s.