Tag Archives: fond du lac

Kiwanians Tackle Info on Football Coach

Monday Morning
We had 18 members and our guest speaker, Mike Gneuech, at Monday’s meeting back at The Main Street Cafe. John Cooper announced that it looks like we had a record Walleye Weekend. We sold 3,000 lbs. of cheese curds and almost all of our other product as well. It will take several weeks for all the bills to come in but all indications are that we had a record year. Del Waldschmidt asked the members to give John a round of applause for all the work he put into Walleye Weekend this year. Charlene Pettit noted that the sign up for the Annual Kiwanis Picnic is very light at this time. See more details under Kiwanis Happenings. “Happy Bucks” were offered by John Cooper in thanks for all the members who helped at Walleye Weekend and also by Dan Leeds for his time spent with his sister and her family and his grandson for the past three weeks in England/Scotland. Steve Millin was the 50/50 Raffle Winner and he drew the 10 of Hearts, another $10 winner. The next drawing will have 21 cards, five pay cards and a pot of at least $389.

Mike Gneuech – Fond du Lac High School Football
Mike Gneuech, Fond du Lac High School Varsity Football Coach, joined us on Monday morning to tell us about the FDL Football program. This is Mike’s second year as the head football coach at Fond du Lac High School, and he’s optimistic that this season will be a significant improvement over his first year. Mike noted that they’ll be young this year with only 10-12 returning seniors and 16 starters. The reason Mike thinks this will be a better year is the enthusiasm that they’re seeing in the weight room this summer. This is the first week of organized weight training, and they have 387 participants from grades 6–12 signed up to lift this summer. These 387 participants are from a number of different sports and not just the football program. Over the course of the past year the weight program has shown improved results in that prior to Mike’s arrival they only had three 300 lb. squat lifters. This year they are up to 32 lifters who can squat 300 lbs. quite an improvement. Specific to the football program they’ll be having four contact days in July with two of those days in scrimmages with other programs. Mike played four years of collegiate football and has been coaching for the past 13 years in an assistant capacity, the majority of that time at Hartland Arrowhead. Mike is also a social studies teacher at the high school and has received tentative approval to teach a course starting in 2014-15 that will focus on character development and leadership.

North Fond du Lac Key Club Thanks Kiwanis for Key Role in Success

Monday Morning
We had 13 members make the trek out to North Fond du Lac’s Horace Mann High School for an Appreciation Breakfast with our Key Clubbers. The Key Club provided a great spread of bagels and cream cheese, muffins, breakfast breads, fruit and assorted beverages. No one should have gone away hungry. Don’t forget that Monday’s 50/50 Raffle will have 24 cards, seven pay cards and a pot of at least $365. Your odds are much better than PowerBall.

North Fond du Lac Horace Mann Key Club
The Horace Mann Key Club welcomed us to their school for our Annual Appreciation Breakfast. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Key Club Pledge. Then next year’s Club Officers introduced themselves and thanked our Club for all our support, both as their Sponsoring Club and also for all the monetary support we provide. Once everyone got their breakfast, very nice spread, the incoming Officers presented the details of what their Key Club has accomplished this past year. They were able to accomplish several goals in all of the following categories:

  • Membership
  • Fundraisers
  • Money/Services Donated Back to Community & Charities
  • Volunteer Hours Summary
  • Service Provided Every Month
  • Most heavily attended Service Projects
  • Key Club Convention
  • DCON Convention Awards
  • 2013-2014 Key Clubs Goals

The amount of money raised, money given away, service projects completed and volunteer hours given is truly amazing. These young adults exemplify the true meaning of what Kiwanis is all about. Outstanding!! And of course, none of these accomplishments would happen if it weren’t for the great guidance of their Advisors, led by Jean Hintze. Kudos to Jean, Dan and Jim for a truly outstanding year. Your community is better today because of Key Club.

FdL Center for Spirituality and Healing Provides Insight to Kiwanians

Monday Morning
We had a very nice turnout at Monday’s Prayer Breakfast meeting with 19 members and our guest Michael Ketterhagen. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Mitch Loomans for all the support our Club has shown for Danny’s Food For Freedom Project, Gary Ring for the nice turnout at our 40th Anniversary Party last Thursday, Julie Budde for her picture in a Discover Wisconsin footage plus being up two early mornings in a row for Kiwanis, and Jan Krug for not being real fond of early morning meetings either. John Cooper was the 50/50 Raffle Winner and he drew the Five of Spades, a $5 winner. The game for Monday, May 20th, will have 24 cards, seven pay cards and a pot of at least $365.

Michael Ketterhagen, Fond du Lac Center for Spirituality and Healing
Michael holds a doctorate in spirituality and healing from The Union Institute and University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Ketterhagen is an Associate Professor of Theology at Marian College in Fond du Lac for the past 25 years. Michael used his dream for the FDL Center for Spirituality and Healing as the basis of his doctoral thesis, which opened in the Fall of 2000. Michael is also one of the Centers Certified Yoga Instructors, having received his training through the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA. Michael’s lifelong commitment to his own spiritual growth and healing, his vast knowledge on holistic living and his strong desire to serve, allow him to direct the Center in ways to better serve the community.
Michael talked to us about his studies of various world religions and how they differ but also about their various similarities. He noted that two-thirds of the world’s religions believe in reincarnation, so we never really die but just move to something else. Michael also provided us with five relatively simple things to remember in our Life’s Journey:

  • Zest
  • Cope
  • Meaning
  • Cherish
  • Joy