Tag Archives: fond du lac

Al Buechel Gives County Update to Kiwanians

Monday Morning
We had 18 members at our Monday meeting along with our guest speaker, Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel. Bonnie Baerwald reminded everyone that the Relay for Life Brat Fry is Friday evening at FDL High School. She was still looking for more servers for both shifts. Bonnie also noted that the Club Satellite will be working on a membership push at their meeting on October 3rd. Watch for more details as we get closer to that date. Gary Miller noted that we’ll need to double up on InterClubs in August to get back on track. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Gary Miller just because he was happy. Marlin asked the Hixson Committee to meet for a few minutes after the meeting.
John Cooper was the 50/50 Raffle Winner and he drew the Jack of Spades. Next week’s drawing will have 15 cards, four pay cards and a pot of at least $474.

Al Buechel, Fond du Lac County Executive
Al Buechel joined us on Monday morning to give us an update on the interesting things going on in Fond du Lac County. Al started by talking about the various expansions that are taking place at Mercury Marine as a result of the consolidation of operations in Fond du Lac due to the actions taken by the State, FDL County, and the City of Fond du Lac to keep Merc in Fond du Lac. These investments are starting to pay dividends in construction jobs and manufacturing jobs. Al then handed out a spreadsheet that showed the funds collected by the ½% sales tax and how those funds are being utilized along with the new and retained jobs that have come from these investments. Next we saw the aerial views of the new roundabouts at Morris and Hickory Streets along with the progress on the railway underpass on Pioneer Road. Al also talked about the Cty V interchange that should begin construction in 2015 along with an overpass at Cty T over Hwy 151. Hwy 23 expansion to Plymouth will be delayed to probably 2015 while a legal challenge runs its course. County wide wireless internet was also on Al’s list of things to come during the next year or two. This project will provide 4G LTE service to the entire county. Finally Al talked about our involvement in sustaining Lake Winnebago in collaboration with other counties around the lake.

Mauthee and Associates Caps Great Day with Talk of Dentistry

Monday Morning
We had 18 members at our Monday meeting along with two guests, our speaker Dr. Bill Mauthe and Jackson Goldapske. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Dan Leeds for his weekend trip to Cherokee, Iowa for a family reunion and also by Harry Schneider for Betty’s announcement that she’s retiring at the end of this year. Congratulations Betty! Dan Leeds would like the Young Children’s-Priority One Committee to meet after next Monday’s meeting for a few minutes. Members of that Committee are encouraged to attend if at all possible.
Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle Winner, AGAIN, and he drew the Jack of Diamonds, not a winner this time. Next week’s drawing will have 16 cards, four pay cards and a pot of at least $458. Now we’re getting into some real money.

Dr. Bill Mauthe, Mauthee and Associates, DDS
Dr. Bill Mauthe joined us on Monday morning to talk about the Mauthe dental practice. Bill is a native of Fond du Lac and a 1989 graduate of St. Mary’s Springs. He did his undergraduate degree in business at University of Indiana and worked in the world of business for a number of years before he realized that dentistry was really what he wanted to do. He graduated from dental school in 2001 and joined his father at the Mauthe dental practice back in Fond du Lac. While they do general dentistry they also have grown their practice in the area of cosmetic dentistry, dental implants and one day crowns. Bill brought along a short slide show that showed several before and after patient examples of what can be done to restore a patient’s smile, even in the worst of situations. Bill also talked about new technology they have in their office whereby they can take digital photographs of a patient’s teeth, send those digital pictures to a specialized computer in their back office and actually mill one or multiple crowns that can be installed the same afternoon. Gone are the days when impressions needed to be taken, sent off to a lab, a temporary crown installed and then the final crown installed several weeks later. This new process is done all in one day if the process is started early enough in the day. Bill also talked about how to introduce your young children to the dental process. They recommend that young children, at about three years old, come with their parents and watch while they have their teeth cleaned and examined by the dentist. Then at about three-and-a-half years old they would actually sit on their parent’s lap and have a cursory exam by the dentist. At four years old they’re on their own and have a cleaning and exam like a regular patient.

Year in Review Presented by Lt Gov Alling

Monday Morning
We had 19 members at our Monday meeting along with two guests, our speaker Past Lt. Gov. Tonya Alling, and Jackson Goldapske. “Happy Bucks” were offered by the following: Charlene Pettit for her recent 1,000 mile + vacation visiting relatives and finding a Kiwanis donation plaque at one of her stops, Vickie Goldapske in celebration for Ron and Jackson’s first fishing tournament first place as a team, Mark Luttenberger for his 5th grand-child born over the weekend, Jan Krug for her 27 year wedding anniversary, Glen Treml for an all clear from his hand surgeon, $2 from Tonya Alling, first for our Club’s 40th Anniversary recently and the other for a great vacation in Hayward last week. Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle Winner and he drew the Ten of Diamonds, a $10 winner. The next drawing will have 17 cards, four pay cards and a pot of at least $443. Congrats Dave!

Tonya Alling, Kiwanis District 12 Lt. Governor
Tonya Alling joined us on Monday morning and did a nice review of her year as Division 12 Lt. Governor. First she noted that our Division 12 was nominated and awarded the Distinguished Division designation and that all the Clubs in Division 12 were also nominated and awarded Distinguished Club status. Tonya was able to make the case to the District Governor who in turn was able to make the case to Kiwanis International that our Division and all the Club within the Division were worthy of Distinguished status. These awards will be presented at the District Convention in Racine on August 24th.
Tonya then moved on to a status update on the Governor’s Project. To date, approximately $125,000 has been raised toward the goal of $500,000. The amount raised to date has provided over 300 iPad Minis to autistic children throughout the WI-UM Kiwanis District. In Fond du Lac there are currently 30 applications pending with enough funding to fill 10 of those requests. Our $2,000 pledge will fund five Minis.
Tonya then talked about the structural changes in our District that will be effective on October 1st. Our Division 12 has combined with Division 13 and is now called Division 11. The Trustees are no more and the 11 Lt. Governors will again be members of the District Board. Joan Pinch has been elected the Division 11 Lt. Governor to serve a two year term.