Tag Archives: fond du lac

District Convention Report

Monday Morning
We had 19 members at Monday’s meeting at the Retlaw Hotel, one of our former haunts. Gary Miller thanked those members that made the FDL High School Key Club on Friday morning. Charlene Pettit offered up a “Happy Buck” in thanks for her receiving the “Kiwanian of the Year” award and also for all the help of the Social Committee in planning the Installation Banquet, Gary Ring and Vickie Goldapske both for their Hixson Awards and Gary Miller just because he was “Happy”. Gary Ring was the first 50/50 Raffle winner in our new game and he drew the Jack of Hearts. That was close but, unfortunately, no cigar. The new pot next Monday will be at least $15.

District Convention Report
Gary & Donna Miller, Charlene Pettit, Gary Ring and Chris Serres attended the WI-UM District Convention in Racine on August 23-25th and agreed to be our Monday program to talk about the convention. Gov. Lynn Messer presented Tonya Alling with the Governor’s Cup for being the top Lt. Gov. for the 2011-12 administrative year. Our Club, along with all of the Division 12 Clubs, were also recognized as “Distinguished Clubs” at Saturday’s luncheon.
Gary Miller attended sessions on Marketing/PR and the incoming President’s projects while Charlene attended workshops on Social Media for Success and Club President’s Workshop-Share What is Working Well With Your Club. Chris attended two workshops on fundraising do’s and don’ts and Gary Ring attended two workshops on Recruiting New Members and Club Member Retention. All of the attendees gave us a summary of what they learned in their various sessions. The membership topic will be further explored as our program for this coming Monday at Faro’s.
Incoming Gov. Gurdip Brar’s projects and goals were also discussed. Anyone that was at the Installation Banquet had a chance to hear from Gurdip personally on what he hopes to accomplish in the coming year. Watch for more details in future issues of the Kiwanews. Thanks Gary, Charlene, Gary and Chris for the program.

Fond du Lac County Airport Takes Kiwanis on Tour

Monday Morning
We had 15 members at Monday’s meeting at the Fond du Lac County Airport. Gary Miller was able to organize an InterClub to the FDL High School Key Club for Friday morning at 7:45AM. Jan Krug had a “Happy Buck” for Del’s 80th birthday this week and also in thanks for the sun coming out Saturday afternoon at Fond du Fest. Ron Seidl was 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Queen of Hearts. That was the big winner and Ron shares half of the pot of $556 or $278. Congrats Ron!! A new game starts on Monday.

Fond du Lac County Airport
Fond du Lac County owns and operates the airport located just west of Fond du Lac on Rolling Meadows Drive. Fond du Lac Skyport is the Fixed Base Operator (FBO) for the airport and is based out of West Bend. The FBO operates out of a combination terminal/aircraft maintenance and repair facility. Fond du Lac Skyport offers aircraft maintenance and repair, flight instruction, charter flights and aircraft rentals.
The airport consists of a main north/south runway, 75′ by 5,560′, and an east/west runway of 75′ by 3,603′. The north/south runway is labeled 18/36 and the east/west runway is labeled 9/27.
Our tour guide/speaker, Gary, is one of three full-time employees of the FBO, Fond du Lac Skyport, and his job is essentially to greet all aircraft when they come to the airport and arrange whatever the travelers need while they’re in Fond du Lac. He also does a lot of the refueling for these incoming aircraft in addition to the permanent aircraft at the airport, such as Flight for Life. The other two full-time employees are the on-site manager/receptionist and the aircraft mechanic.
A question was asked about the approximate cost of getting one’s pilot license and the figure of around $5,000 was quoted. That can vary however depending on the price of aviation fuel (currently at $5.99/gal) and how fast the student learns the various steps in training process. Gary then took the group on a tour of the four year beautiful terminal.

Eliminate Project Update Presented to Kiwanis

Monday Morning
We had 22 members and two guests at our Monday meeting at our temporary location at Trinity Baptist Church. Joining us on Monday morning were Jackson Goldapske and our speaker, Steve Heinsen, from Kiwanis International. Gary Miller reported on the District Convention this past weekend attended by Gary & Donna Miller, Charlene Pettit, Gary & Lois Ring and Chris Serres. Happy Bucks were donated by Gary Ring for the District Convention, Mark Luttenberger for his recent vacation, his and Gail’s 59th birthdates and also their 38th year wedding anniversary, and Harry Schneider for his winning a portion of the third place prize at the recent Agnesian Hospice Golf Outing. Bob Kahl circulated a Thank You from his daughter, Joelle, for our sponsorship of their Relay for Life Team. Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle Winner (again and again) and he drew the Ace of Spades, not a winner (again). The next drawing will have 11 cards, four pay cards and a pot of at least $542.

Steve Heinsen, Kiwanis International
Steve Heinsen is the Kiwanis International Campaign Area Director for the Eliminate Project. He was in Racine this past weekend for the District Convention and agreed to be our program on Monday morning on his way to Manitowoc. Steve gave a brief background on the Eliminate Project and Kiwanis International’s efforts to eliminate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus in many third world countries. Steve also talked about his personal observations during a recent trip to Cambodia as part of a joint Kiwanis/UNICEF delegation.