Tag Archives: fond du lac

Boy’s & Girl’s Club Updates


Monday Morning

We had 19 members along with our guest speakers, Karissa Schneider and Pam Sippel from the Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac.  A “Happy Buck” was offered by Sharon Kollman for being back from Florida and 80 degree weather.  President Dave reminded everyone that the Evening Kiwanis Club Annual Spaghetti Dinner is this week, Wednesday, November 13th, at the Eagle’s Club.  If you attend let Glen Treml know and you’ll get an attendance credit as this will probably qualify as an InterClub.  Chris Serres was the winner of the 50/50 Raffle drawing and she drew a Three of Diamonds, not a winner.  Next week’s game will have 44 cards with eight pay cards and a pot of at least $101.

 Boy’s and Girl’s Club of Fond du Lac

Karissa Schneider, Director of Operations, and Pam Sippel, Johnsonville Unit Director, at our local Boys & Girls Clubjoined us on Monday to talk about what’s new at the Boys & Girls Club.  Karissa started by outlining their mission; The Mission of the Boys & Girls Club is dedicated to empowering all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens through academic, social and emotional support.  Karissa also told us that there are no income restrictions on membership in the Boys & Girls Club so anyone can join and participate.

Pam talked about their three After School Programs at the Johnsonville After School Clubhouse with satellite After School programs at Pier and Chegwin Elementary Schools.  Transportation is provided on regular school days to the various after school programs.  Homework help and enrichment programs are offered on a nightly basis at all of the sites.  Enrichment programming at the Johnsonville Club may include access to YMCA facilities like the dance studios, swimming pools and/or gymnasiums.  A nutritious meal is offered to all members each night at no cost.

There is also a Summer Program that runs out of the Johnsonville Club location that runs for a ten week period from 9:00AM – 5:00PM.  There is also a Teen Center program that operates out of the Johnsonville Club location during the school year in the evening for 6th through 12th graders.

Children’s Museum Brings Out Kiwanians Inner Child

Monday Morning
We had 17 members and Kendra from the North Fond du Lac Key Club at our Monday morning tour of the Fond du Lac Children’s Museum. There was no 50/50 Raffle drawing on our Road Trip so there will be 47 cards with eight pay cards for our next drawing on Monday. The new pot for our next drawing will be at least $59.

Fond du Lac Children’s Museum
Andrea Welsch, Fond du Lac Children’s Museum Executive Director, welcomed us on Monday Morning with hot coffee and an opportunity to see they’re new facility. Andrea started by telling us that the mission of the Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac is to create hands-on learning experiences through interactive exhibits and educational programs that will engage children and their caregivers in the partnership of learning through play. Their vision is to provide a safe place where children can learn about their communities and culturally diverse world.
The Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac began in June 2002 as a project of the Leadership Fond du Lac program, through the Association of Commerce. It was supported by the Windhover Center for the Arts and further developed by a committee of volunteers including business leaders, educators, community advocates, and parents who were dedicated to providing more for our children and our community.
The Museum welcomed over 100,000 visitors during their time in Downtown Fond du Lac, which ended in December 2012. During the summer 2013 they reopened in their new home in the Waterfront District at 75 W. Scott Street, featuring expanded exhibits, classroom space and a specially designed outdoor area. Andrea then took us on a tour of the various exhibits, most of which moved from downtown, and also talked about the various programs that they sponsor both in the Museum and also in school classrooms in our area. They have two teachers who go into area 3rd grade classrooms and talk about STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics).

United Singers of Fond du Lac Receive Check from Kiwanis

Monday Morning
We had 15 members and eight guests at our Monday morning meeting at the Retlaw Plaza Hotel. Joining us were our guest speakers, Kris Shoemaker, Terry Shoemaker, Diane Fricken and Adam Holz as well FDL High School Key Clubbers Megan Buechel, Joshua Gutzman and Kevin Ditter and Evening Club Member Brian Olson. Brian was selling Spaghetti Dinner tickets as well as the Evening Club’s Big Money Raffle tickets. Adult dinner tickets are $8 and Children are $4.00. The event is moving this year to the Eagles Club vs. the KC Hall. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Bob Kahl ($2) for the nice press we got for the photo op of our donation to the Fruth Field project, Harry Schneider for his wedding anniversary and Steve Millin for being late and forgetting to greet and do the invocation. Chris Serres was the 50/50 Raffle winner and she drew the King of Clubs, another non-winner. That leaves 47 cards with eight pay cards for our next drawing in two weeks. The new pot for our next drawing will be at least $59.

United Singers of Fond du Lac
Former member Kris Shoemaker was the main speaker and she introduced her entourage of folks associated with the United Singers of Fond du Lac. This choral group started in 1994 at Brooke Industries and was affiliated with VSA of Wisconsin until this past year. They are now an independent group that is establishing themselves as a 501(c)(3) so they can receive tax deductible donations to help support this effort. United Singers of Fond du Lac currently has 42 members and is the largest such choir in the State. Adam is a current member of the choir, and also a Kiwanis Aktion Club Member and he gave a brief talk about why he loves being in the choir. He’s been in the choir for about five years and loves performing and practicing. The United Singers practice on Tuesday nights at the Church of Peace from 5:30 – 6:30PM. Anyone is welcome to come and watch the choir practice if you’d like. Our Club made a check presentation of $200 to the United Singers of Fond du Lac at Monday’s meeting.