Tag Archives: fond du lac

Kiwanians on the Road to Visit MPTC Library


Monday Morning

We had a very small turnout at Monday’s Road Trip to Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC).  Seven members ventured out and found our destination at the Library at MPTC where we had a bountiful and varied array of breakfast breads, sweet rolls, fruit and beverages.  The students at MPTC were sure to enjoy whatever was left after our meeting.  Gary Miller searched long and hard to bring a piece of humor and did a very nice job with a Christmas themed piece of humor.  There was no 50/50 Raffle on the road so Monday’s drawing will have 40 cards with eight pay cards and a pot of at least $166.

 Moraine Park Technical College Library Sciences

Charlene Pettit introduced who is the Moraine Park Technical College Library Services Coordinator.  Hans has been the Coordinator for the past five years after Charlene officially retired and Hans ascended into her role.  Hans has responsibility for all three campus libraries, Fond du Lac, West Bend and Beaver Dam.  Hans talked about the purpose of the MPTC libraries as a resource for students to work on homework, do research for projects and actually work with other students on group projects and video presentations.  During the tour of the library Hans noted that a large computer lab has been relocated to the library area and staffed by library personnel vs. its previous standalone location.  Also noted in the library tour were several private student work rooms within the library that could be used by students for project meetings, video productions and even video conferencing with other campus libraries.  While there were a number of paper books in the library, it was very evident that technology is a significant asset at the MPTC library.

Hans also talked about the new GED testing process that is the responsibility of the library operation.  Effective January 1st, MPTC libraries will become a Pearson VUE testing center and all GED testing will now be done through Pearson VUE in addition to a large number of other testing opportunities for a variety of professional organizations and regulatory requirements.

Cardinal Singers Entertain for Christmas


Monday Morning

We had a great turnout for our Annual Family Christmas on Monday.  We had 24 members in attendance, three of which came from the Club Satellite, two NFDL Key Clubbers and 29 family members/ significant others.    There was a 50/50 Raffle drawing this week and Dave Twohig was the lucky winner.  However, Dave wasn’t quite so lucky when he drew the Four of Spades, a non-winner.  The next drawing will be on Monday, December 30th when we’re back at the Retlaw Hotel.  That drawing will have 40 cards with eight pay cards and a pot of at least $166.

 Cardinal Singers

Twenty four members of the Fond du Lac High School Cardinal Singers joined us on Monday morning to entertain us with a wonderful selection of Christmas themed music.  The Cardinal Singers are a choral club that practices in off school hours and days. Typically the group practices before school begins and/or on Sundays. The Christmas programs that the Cardinal Signers do are mostly self-directed while the Spring Programs are directed by Cory Schneider, their faculty director. During the Christmas season the group does anywhere from 30 to 35 programs for local groups. The Cardinal Singers also do competitions, not so much for the awards, but for the experience of performing. The group travels to various competitions every other year outside of Wisconsin and has been quite successful. The Singers also do more than performances. They do numerous activities at the local elementary schools on a regular basis to instill the love of music at an early age.

FABOH Executive Discusses Well-City Goals


Monday Morning

We had 17 members along with our guest speaker, Larry Richardson from the Fond du Lac Area Business on Health (FABOH).  Sign-up sheets continued circulating for our Annual Family Christmas Breakfast on Monday, December 16th, our Annual Christmas Party on Thursday evening, December 12th at Steve and Mary Millin’s house and the “Food for Thought” service project at the Fondy Food Pantry on Wednesday evening at St. Paul’s Cathedral.  There was no 50/50 Raffle drawing as the Secretary was out sick so the 50/50 Raffle didn’t make it to the meeting.  Next week’s game will still have 41 cards with eight pay cards and a pot of at least $139.

 Well-City Designation

Larry Richardson is the Executive Director of FABOHand he joined us on Monday to talk about a local initiative to achieve “Well City” designation.  Numerous local businesses have launched health and wellness programs aimed to help Fond du Lac become a Well City through the Wellness Council of America (WCA).  It is an initiative based around the WCA’s Well-Workplace award that is intended to engage business communities in improving workforce health. Milwaukee, Racine and the Fox Cities are among areas that have received the designation.  The local project is being managed by FABOH, individuals and participating businesses. More than 20 local businesses committed to the project in mid-November 2012.

How it works

To achieve the Well Workplace designation, a minimum of 20 employers who collectively employ at least 20 percent of the area’s workforce must participate. When goals are achieved in the three-year process, the City of Fond du Lac is eligible for Well City recognition.  Businesses that have committed to earning the Well Workplace designation must complete documented wellness activities that include health risk appraisals for employees, healthy eating, increased physical activity, stress management and elimination of tobacco use.

Many benefits

According to information provided by Well City Fond du Lac leaders, research has demonstrated benefits of comprehensive workplace wellness programs.