Tag Archives: fond du lac

Kiwanians Learn About Teen Court


Monday Morning

We had 18 members at Monday’s meeting along with our guest speaker, Dakota Vaughan along with his grandmother, Lois Towne. Gary Ring had a “Happy Buck” in appreciation for being nominated and awarded a “Volunteer of the Year” award from the FDL Volunteer Center, Steve Millin for the Badgers playing in the NCAA Tournament in Milwaukee on Thursday, Harry Schneider for St. Patty’s Day and his wife’s birthday, and Del Waldschmidt for getting back from Mexico without seeing the inside of one of their jails, but he was disappointed with the weather here when he got back. Several members had some funny Irish humor. Dakota drew his grandfather’s (Marlin) ticket in the 50/50 Raffle and Marlin drew the Two of Clubs, not a winner. Next week’s drawing will have 28 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $316.

Dakota Vaughn, Fond du Lac County Teen Court facebook-logo

Fond du Lac County Teen Court is a diversionary program for first time juvenile offenders between the ages of 12-16. Juveniles that enroll into the Teen Court program must admit guilt to the offense they were involved with and must be prepared to accept a sentence decided on by a jury of their peers. Teens who successfully complete the Teen Court Program will face no further court action regarding their offense. The jury and attorneys are made up of youth volunteers from 7-12 grade. Volunteers are expected to be positive role models to their peers at all times.

Teen Court hearings are held on Wednesday evenings. All hearings are closed hearings to the general public as confidentially is one of the most important elements of the Fond du Lac County Teen Court Program. Cost to enroll is $10. All sentences include a minimum of 12 hours community service and participation in future teen court hearings.  Other possible sentences include but are not limited to:

  • Face to face or written apologies to the victim(s)
  • An educational video or workshop
  • An essay related to the offense
  • Counseling
  • Alcohol or Drug Assessment
  • Any other creative sanction

Local Firefighter Shares Experiences


Monday Morning

We had a nice turnout of 17 members at Monday’s meeting along with our guest speaker, Laura Ketelhut from the FDL Fire Department.  Gary Miller announced that we had 20 of our members at last Thursday’s Noon Club’s Grilled Cheese and Chili fundraiser.  Great job everyone that made it.   “Happy Bucks” were offered up by Sharon Kollman for the engagement of her granddaughter, while ice fishing on Green Lake and Glen Treml for the birth of his third grandchild, Brea Catherine on Tuesday, February 11th.  Dave Lefeber was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew the Five of Spades, a $5 winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 31 cards with 6 pay cards and a pot of at least $278.

Laura Ketelhut, Fond du Lac Fire Department

Laura knew coming out of high school that she wanted to be a firefighter.  She signed up upon graduation from high school at Fox Valley Technical College knowing that they had a two year waiting list for their firefighter program.  Then she went to MPTC and did her basic studies in anticipation of transferring to FVTC to complete firefighter training.  She graduated from FVTC at age 22 and was fortunate to land a job at the Fond du Lac Fire Department.  She immediately signed up for paramedic training and was sent to an accelerated program in Racine that helped her to get her paramedic’s license in six months vs. the normal year. Laura then returned to Fond du Lac and joined the department’s other paramedics.  She’s been with the department for 11 years and married a fellow firefighter. Laura is stationed at Fire House # 3 which is on Western Ave.  Fond du Lac has two other fire stations, one on South Main and the other on National Avenue.  Laura described the daily routine at the fire station and that they work 24 hour shifts.  It’s nice for her and her husband as they’re on alternating shifts so they don’t need daycare for their children as one or the other is always home.  Laura also told us that the two outlying fire stations have two paramedics and three firefighters on duty at all times while Main Street also has this staffing level plus all of the administrative personnel at Main Street.

In addition to Laura’s firefighter career she also is a world class cook and loves entering cooking contests. Some of her recent cooking competitions have been in 2007 when she was on the Food Network for the Ultimate Recipe Showdown, in 2009 when she was in New York competing as a finalist in the Tabasco Cook and Ladder competition, where her Smokey Chipotle Mac and Cheese took second place. And finally, in 2010 Laura was a contestant in the Coast to Coast Firehouse cook-off on the Live with Regis and Kelly Show.  Her entry in this cook off was her Stuffed Boursin Burger.

Marian University Present Upward Bound Program


Monday Morning

We had 15 members at Monday’s meeting along with our three guest speakers, Garry Moise, Christopher Durkin and Tracy Abler, all from Marian University.  Dan Leeds had a “Happy Buck” for a successful “Souped Up” fundraiser last week at Trinity Baptist School and Gary Miller added a “Buck” as well for enjoying the  soup last week and also because everyone should be happy.  Jackie King was the 50/50 Raffle winner and she drew the Nine of Clubs, not a winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 29 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $301.

Marian University Upward Bound Math & Science (UBMS)

Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) program is a part of the federally funded TRiO programs, whose purpose is to prepare eligible students for success in higher education. The goal of UBMS is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in mathematics and science and to encourage them to pursue post-secondary degrees in those subjects.  At Marian University, UBMS is designed to serve 60 students from Fond du Lac High School and Horace Mann High School in North Fond du Lac. The UBMS program is part of the University’s strategic vision to prepare and train students for professions that rely on strong foundations in science, math and computer technology.

What are the main benefits of participating in the UBMS Program?

  • Emphasis on academic support and college preparation;
  • Involvement in hands-on experiences in science, mathematics, and technology;
  • Opportunities to learn about college environments and admission processes;
  • Assistance in understanding college financing; and
  • Exposure to cultural enrichment and leadership development.

To participate in UBMS activities, the following must be true of the student:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident;
  • Be a student of either Fond du Lac High School or Horace Mann High School;
  • Be enrolled in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade at the time of application;
  • Demonstrate an academic need for the provided services.
  • Be interested in pursuing a college degree in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics field.
  • Be a potential first-generation college bound student and/or meet the financial qualifications as defined by the U.S. Department of Education.