Tag Archives: fond du lac

Fondy Key Club Celebrates Kiwanis Support


Monday Morning

We had 14 members at Monday’s Appreciation Breakfast at the Fond du Lac High School Key Club. The Key Club had about 13 members plus their teacher advisors, member Chris Stelmacher and Sandi Berka. Principal Jon Wiltzius and Assistant Principal Paulene Mueller also stopped in to thank us for sponsoring the Fond du Lac High School Key Club. Next week’s 50/50 Raffle drawing will have 26 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $346.

Fond du Lac Key Club Appreciation Breakfast

The Fondy High Key Club put on a wonderful breakfast for our members on Monday morning. In addition to breakfast the Key Clubber also thanked us for our sponsorship of their group both financially and personally through Chris Stelmacher and Gary Ring. The various officers, both outgoing and incoming, talked about the various projects that their Club has done during the year and what they hope to do in the next year. They highlighted their signature projects; monthly ARC Bingo, their Annual Storybook Land, organizing of the Youth Service Day and providing children’s books to every baby born at St. Agnes Hospital. They had video clips of their most recent Storybook Land where they entertained over 300 children for the morning by acting out various stories. The NFDL Key Club also joined in by acting out one of the five stories presented. The Fondy High Key Club has about 100 paid members of which roughly 50% are very active members.

At the end of the breakfast Jan Krug presented Chris Stelmacher with a Gift Certificate from our Club as a small token of our appreciation for all the work she has done with this Key Club over the past 28+ years.

New State Safety Department Discusses Regulations


Monday Morning

We had 20 members at Monday’s meeting along with our guest speaker, Secretary David Ross from the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. Steve Millin had another “Happy Buck” for the Badgers still dancing in the NCAA Tournament. Gary Miller announced that we had a successful InterClub to the Noon Club last Tuesday. Jackie King was the 50/50 Raffle winner and she drew the Nine of Hearts, not a winner. Next week’s drawing will have 26 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $346.

Secretary David Ross, Department of Safety and Professional Services

Secretary Dave Ross drove up from Madison on Monday morning to join us for breakfast and tell us about the Department of Safety and Professional Services. Governor Scott Walker signed the 2011-13 state budget, creating the new Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) – formed by combining the Department of Regulation and Licensing and parts of the Department of Commerce.

DSPS is responsible for ensuring the safe and competent practice of licensed professionals in Wisconsin. The department also administers and enforces laws to assure safe and sanitary conditions in public and private buildings. It provides administrative services to the state occupational regulatory authorities responsible for regulation of occupations and offers policy assistance in such areas as evaluating and establishing new professional licensing programs, creating routine procedures for legal proceedings, and adjusting policies in response to public needs.

The Department licenses and regulates more than 200 different types of credentials. The agency also provides centralized administrative services to nearly 100 boards, councils, and advisory committees. The boards, councils, and advisory committees have varying levels of responsibility and professional oversight based on statutory provisions.

Baseball Complex Seeks Kiwanis Support


Monday Morning

We had 17 members at Monday’s meeting along with our guest speaker, Ryan Haus. Steve Millin had a “Happy Buck” for the Badgers wins in the NCAA Tournament in Milwaukee on Thursday and Saturday, and Gary Miller for his son still having all four of his teams still in the tournament. Gary Ring made a small correction to the Cheers for Volunteers award event; it’s going to be dinner on May 2nd vs. lunch as originally announced. Cocktails start at 5:30PM  with dinner at 6:30PM and the awards program to follow at the Holiday Inn. Gary Miller announced an InterClub to the Noon Club on Tuesday and was able to get four members to commit to attend. Bonnie Baerwald was the 50/50 Raffle winner and she drew the Ace of Clubs, not a winner. Next week’s drawing will have 27 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $331.

Ryan Haus, Lakeside Park Youth Baseball Complex

bildeRyan Haus joined us on Monday morning to talk about an opportunity in our community to build an exciting new multi-use baseball field complex at Lakeside Park.There is a significant need for this project and is being performed with cooperation between FDL Youth Baseball, Fond du Lac School District, Fond du Lac Recreation Department and the City of Fond du Lac. The proposed complex will allow our community to offer new, improved and expanded activities for resident of all ages.

The proposal is to build two new youth baseball fields that will be used primarily by youth baseball players (12 years old and younger). Part of Lakeside Park is being offered by and leased from the City to use for the facility. The facility will be managed by the FDL Recreation Department for scheduling and maintenance. Once the facility is built it will be funded through its use and concessions. The fields will expand the use and improve the beauty of Lakeside Park and will provide a new facility that will offer programs for all ages while being available for use to the public. The proposal includes fields, lights, batting cages, pavilion/shelter, bleachers, playground equipment, etc.

 The projected cost of the entire facility will be about $400,000. It is intended to be built in phases as funds are raised and not to incur any debt for this project. The baseball fields will be first followed by the concession/bathroom building and lastly the lights, almost $100,000 of the total.