Tag Archives: fond du lac

One Great Way to Ensure Your Baby Sleeps Safely


Monday Morning

We had 19 members at our Monday morning meeting along with a four member InterClub from the Oshkosh Mid-Morning, the daughter of one of the visiting Kiwanians, Gail Luttenberger and Wayne Cress, a possible new member checking out our Club.  Gary Miller announced a successful InterClub to Ripon Early Birds last Wednesday.  “Happy Bucks” were offered by Charlene Pettit ($2), one for a great vacation and the other for a warm ballgame on Sunday, Bonnie Baerwald to honor all the hot weather warriors who went to the Rattler’s game on Sunday, a member of the Oshkosh Mid-Morning Club for visiting us and because her daughter was cooperative in joining her and finally another Oshkosh Mid-Morning member because she’s going on vacation.  Jim Freiberg was the 50/50 Raffle drawing winner but unfortunately he drew the Six of Clubs, which was a non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 28 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $320.  Now we’re getting into real money!!

Dan Leeds, Young Children Priority One

Our scheduled speaker wasn’t able to attend on Monday so Dan Leeds talked about the origin of the local Swaddle Sack Program by all three Fond du Lac Kiwanis Clubs.  With almost a thousand births in the three hospitals under Agnesian HealthCare’s sponsorship, each and every new baby receives a Kiwanis branded swaddle sack.  Dr. Karen Meyer, from the Evening Club, had the vision to promote the swaddle sacks as a means to ensure safe sleeping for infants.  She arranged for the manufacture of the swaddle sacks in China and they were shipped to Fond du Lac and inventoried at the hospital.  The cost was split amongst the three local Clubs.  This program has been operating for the last three years.  Dan also provided a brief overview of the donations we’ve made over the years for the Parenting Newsletter through Agnesian HealthCare and the UW Extension.

One Great Way to Show You Believe in People!


Monday Morning

We had 16 members at our Monday morning meeting along with four guest speakers from ADVOCAP, Lu Scheer, Stephanie Kaiser, Aria Baade and Dylan Smith.  Gary Miller finalized an InterClub to Ripon Early Birds for Wednesday, August 12th.  “Happy Bucks” were offered by Sharon Kollman and John Cooper in appreciation for the Club’s support of their respective Relay for Life Teams.  Chris Serres was the 50/50 Raffle drawing winner. Unfortunately she drew the Seven of Hearts, which was a non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 29 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $299.  Now we’re getting into real money!!

Lu Scheer/Stephanie Kaiser, ADVOCAP

We had Lu Scheer and Stephanie Kaiser from ADVOCAP along with two client members; Aria and Dylan join us to talk about the Fresh Start Program.  Dylan has been in the program for five or six months and encouraged Aria to also join a couple of months ago.  Both Aria and Dylan talked about how they got into the Fresh Start Program and the circumstances of their pasts that caused them to need the services of this ADVOCAP opportunity.

Fresh Start is a paid employment and training program that serves participants between the ages of 17 and 24.  The program works with young adults that have multiple employability barriers.  It assists the participants with working toward getting their lives on a better path while building a house that is sold to a lower moderate income family.

Program participants can work toward earning their high school diploma (GED or HSED), and getting through other barriers that may be stopping them from obtaining employment in their field of choice.  The programs emphasis is on positive rewards that come from physical work and healthy human interactions.

How Do You Spell Success?



Monday Morning 

We had 19 members at our Monday morning meeting at the Retlaw Hotel along with our guest speaker, Tiffany Heim from the Boys & Girls Club.  Gary Miller is looking for an InterClub to Ripon Early Birds on Wednesday, August 12th.  Check your calendar and let Gary know on Monday. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Mark Luttenberger as he is officially retired, Charlene Pettit in thanksgiving for some rain, Dawn Scannell for a successful Relay for Life Rummage Sale with Sharon K and finally, from our guest speaker Tiffany for her incoming presidency of the Noon Kiwanis Club.  Dawn Scannell was the 50/50 Raffle drawing winner. Unfortunately she drew the Eight of Spades, which was a non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 30 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $280.

Tiffany Heim, Boy & Girls Club

Tiffany Heim is the Director of Resource Development for the Boys & Girls Club and also a fellow Kiwanian from the Noon Club.  Tiffany talked with us about the upcoming 2nd Annual “Spell for Great Futures”.  Spell for Great Futures event is a themed, team spelling bee featuring local business leaders teamed up with their Club members as participants, includes action-packed audience participation, and is planned around a different and exciting theme each year.  This year’s theme is based around the Jurassic Park/World series.  This event raised over $17,000 in its first year in 2014 and they’re expecting bigger and better things at this year’s event on October 14th.  Our Club was encouraged to not only consider a monetary donation but also consider having some of our members act as participating partners with the spelling teams.  Gary Ring did it last year and had a lot of fun.  He encouraged others to consider joining this effort for a great cause.