Tag Archives: bonnie baerwald

Educating Kids Beyond High School

Monday Morning

There were 14 members at our Monday meeting. Harry and Chris were our greeters. John had the grace. Gary had the humor, very good humor.  Dawn announced that the District WI-UM convention is in Fond du Lac August 18-20th.  She is looking for attendees and volunteers to work the event.  The Kewaskum Kiwanis Craft Beer and Wine Festival is August 2nd. Harry was the winner and a loser. There are 46 cards left and a pot of $82.00.  Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page.  We have a projector for our speakers; please contact John if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Jackie or myself. Member names are being added under Programs for your future dates.

Bonnie Baerwald, MPTC Promise Program

Moraine Park has three main campus, Fond du Lac, Beaver Dam, and West Bend. They have 2,816 FTE students which mean 16, 236 students. They have 330 employees in the system. The Promise Program will help 300 students with an annual cost of $27, 150. It starts in the fall of 2018. They will need to raise $1/1.5 million to start the endowment. Some of the eligibility requirements are: reside in MPTC district, high school GPA of 2.5, score 16 on ACT and be eligible for Federal Pell grants. To remain eligible: full time student at MPTC, GPA of 2.5, eight hours of community stay in good standing. For complete list of requirements go MPTC web page of talk to Bonnie. What can we do to help: student referral, service learning referrals and donate to the program.

Election Winners Announced/Hixson Awarded

The Kiwanis of Fabulous Fond du Lac have announced the results of our 2012 Board of Directors and Officers Elections. We look forward to the leadership these highly qualified individuals will provide for us in the coming year. Elected officials will assume their offices in October following our annual officer installation banquet in September. Congratulations to the following winners:

President: Marlin Towne
President-Elect: Dave Lefeber

Vice President: Charlene Pettit

Treasurer: Chris Serres

(3 yr term – 2015) Bonnie Baerwald, Julie Budde, John Cooper, Vicki Goldapske
(2 yr term – 2014) Del Waldschmidt
(1 yr term – 2013) Kathy Schreiber

We are also excited about the recent awarding of the Kiwanis Hixon Award to our very own Bonnie Baerwald and Glen Treml. Congratulations and thank you to Bonnie and Glen for your faithful community service as part of the Kiwanis of Fabulous Fond du Lac. The club has awarded eight Hixson awards through the years; others who have received the award include John Cooper, Ron Seidl, Marlin Towne and Del Waldschmidt and former members Dave Ness and Jerry Sullivan.