Tag Archives: american legion

What’s Being Done for Veterans in Fond du Lac?


Monday Morning

We had 19 members at our Monday meeting back at the Retlaw along with four guests; our speaker Sandra Smet, Melissa Hildebrand a nursing student from MPTC, Stephanie Remillard, Library Director from the Campbellsport Public Library and Paula Thalacker from the Noon Club.  Paula was selling lunch and raffle tickets for the Noon Club’s Grilled Cheese & Chili Lunch on February 19th.  She also talked a little about a possible charter bus to International Convention this summer.  The Young Children’s Priority One Committee made a donation presentation to Stephanie for the 1,000 books before kindergarten program.  Caron Daugherty introduced Melissa to the Club as the recipient of an MPTC/Kiwanis scholarship to go to Jamaica on a service project sponsored by MPTC.   Paula had a Happy Buck for being to our meeting on time and Glen Treml had one because he’s going on vacation.  Vickie Goldapske was the 50/50 Raffle winner on Monday.  She drew the Nine of Hearts, a non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 50 cards, including eight pay cards, and a pot of at least $17.

Sandra Smet, American Legion Trier Puddy Post 75 

Since their charter in 1919, our American Legion Post has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, they continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community.  Their mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in their preamble.

A Women’s Auxiliary of Batavia Post 504 was formed on November 10, 1921. The Legion has every reason to be proud of its Auxiliary, which gained statewide recognition because of its programs of service. Auxiliary members are always anxious and willing to cooperate in every Legion activity.

Sandra talked about her personal experiences as a veteran’s spouse and all the help they need.  She also talked about the Badger Girl’s State that their Auxiliary sponsors every year and to which our Club regularly donates to.

Kiwanis Happenings – February 9, 2012

Monday Morning
We had 17 members and 10 guests at Monday’s meeting. Joining us were our guest speaker, Lynn Hill from MPTC along with numerous recipients of over $1,300 donations from the Youth Services Committee. Receiving donations were:

Marlin Towne was the 50/50 Raffle winner and he drew a Ten of Clubs, a $10 winner. There are now 36 cards left in the deck, four of which are pay cards. Still lots of money to win and four cards to do it with.

Lynn Hill, GED Academy-MPTC
Lynn Hill, Instructional Technology Testing Specialist at MPTC, joined us on Monday morning to tell us about the GED Academy at MPTC. The GED Academy is a 40-hour accelerated program developed as a fast-track alternative way for students to get their GED. The accelerated format is designed to help students complete the entire GED process or get closer to finishing all requirements. The state-required orientation, instruction, careers classes, and testing materials are all included. Orientation and instruction are free. The GED testing fees are $15 per test for five tests for a total of $75. Moraine Park also offers a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) program for students who thrive in a classroom setting. Instructors assist students through course-work, and there are no timed tests. Each student is required to attend six hours each week. Three of those hours must be on Friday morning and the other three hours are flexible. The HSED covers the academic subject areas of reading, math, writing, social studies, science, civics, and health. Students must meet certain academic criteria as determined by required pretesting. Registration is required for both the GED Academy and HSED programs.