Tag Archives: ADVOCAP

One Great Way to Show You Believe in People!


Monday Morning

We had 16 members at our Monday morning meeting along with four guest speakers from ADVOCAP, Lu Scheer, Stephanie Kaiser, Aria Baade and Dylan Smith.  Gary Miller finalized an InterClub to Ripon Early Birds for Wednesday, August 12th.  “Happy Bucks” were offered by Sharon Kollman and John Cooper in appreciation for the Club’s support of their respective Relay for Life Teams.  Chris Serres was the 50/50 Raffle drawing winner. Unfortunately she drew the Seven of Hearts, which was a non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 29 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $299.  Now we’re getting into real money!!

Lu Scheer/Stephanie Kaiser, ADVOCAP

We had Lu Scheer and Stephanie Kaiser from ADVOCAP along with two client members; Aria and Dylan join us to talk about the Fresh Start Program.  Dylan has been in the program for five or six months and encouraged Aria to also join a couple of months ago.  Both Aria and Dylan talked about how they got into the Fresh Start Program and the circumstances of their pasts that caused them to need the services of this ADVOCAP opportunity.

Fresh Start is a paid employment and training program that serves participants between the ages of 17 and 24.  The program works with young adults that have multiple employability barriers.  It assists the participants with working toward getting their lives on a better path while building a house that is sold to a lower moderate income family.

Program participants can work toward earning their high school diploma (GED or HSED), and getting through other barriers that may be stopping them from obtaining employment in their field of choice.  The programs emphasis is on positive rewards that come from physical work and healthy human interactions.

How Are We Attacking Poverty in Fond du Lac County?


Monday Morning

We had a nice turnout of 19 members at our Monday meeting along with our guest speaker, Doug Pearson from ADVOCAP, and Kim Laws from the YMCA and Dale Hans from NAMI.  Gary Miller made donation presentations to both Kim and Dale for their respective organizations.  Charlene announced that the West Bend Noon Club is hosting their Annual German Night on Tuesday evening, March 31st at the West Bend KC Hall.  Cocktails at 6:00PM with Dinner at 7:00PM.  Gary Miller will be trying to get enough members to make this our March InterClub.  Bonnie Baerwald announced that the Club Satellite is providing a lunch for the Habitat for Humanity Builders on Saturday, April 16th as a service project.   “Happy Bucks” were offered by Chris Serres for the beginning of a “Sisters Week” with her sister from Arkansas, Doug Pearson for the Badgers Big 10 Tournament Championship, Charlene Petit for surviving her babysitting weekend with two grandchildren and a sick dog and Jan Krug in celebration for her husband Mike’s transfer from Rochester, MN to Green Bay.  Glen Treml was the 50/50 Raffle winner on Monday and he drew the Two of Spades, a non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 45 cards, including eight pay cards, and a pot of at least $87.

Doug Pearson, ADVOCAP

Doug Pearson, Community Relations Manager for ADVOCAP joined us on Monday.  ADVOCAP, a non-profit community action agency, was founded in 1966 to fight poverty within our local communities.  They do this by designing and implementing programs that empower people in Fond du Lac, Green Lake and Winnebago counties to break the cycle of poverty.  Individuals and families build on their strengths and participate in opportunities that will develop the knowledge and skills they need to strengthen their economic future. Their anti-poverty programs help low-income persons secure affordable housing, gain employment skills and training, start a small business and become self-employed, volunteer at schools and daycares, become actively involved in their children’s learning, remain independent in their homes, and reduce the amount of home energy costs just to name a few.

For over 49 years they have been helping families change their destiny