Monday Morning
We had 20 members at Monday’s meeting at Faro’s Restaurant. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Ron Seidl for making it another year, Bob Kahl, several $$ for his 52nd wedding anniversary and finishing a babysitting stint for seven of their grandchildren in several different locations and finally Sharon Kollman for their weekend visit to watch their grandson in the marching band at the University of Louisville football game this past weekend. Gary Miller announced that the Youth Services Committee has been working on the distribution of up to 12 iPad Minis in conjunction with Governor Messer’s Autism Project. It looks like three of the Mini’s will go to North Fond du Lac recipients and nine to Fond du Lac recipients. Thanks to the Young Children-Priority One Committee for their allocation of $2,000 to this project. Dan Leeds was the 50/50 Raffle winner in our new game and he drew the Four of Clubs, not a winner. That leaves 50 cards with nine pay cards for next week’s drawing. The new pot next Monday will be at least $27.
District Convention Membership Initiative
Gary Ring presented a program on what he learned about membership growth at the District Convention. The program focused on the Kiwanis One Minute Speech about what Kiwanis does and how our members benefit our community. Gary encouraged everyone to practice their one minute speech so it’s ready when they need it.