Governor-Elect Messer Stops by Kiwanis

Monday Morning
We had 17 members at Monday’s meeting along with three guests. Joining us as guest were our speakers Governor-Elect Lynn Messer along with current Lt. Governor Tonya Alling and Jackson Goldapske, who joined his Mom for breakfast. Vickie Goldapske began circulating the sign-up sheet for Fond du Fest on September 8th. Check your calendars and watch for it again next week. Del Waldschmidt announced that the pork chops have been ordered for our September 27th Annual Pork Fest. Clear your calendar for that date so you can help at this annual fund raiser. Gary Miller finalized the member list for an InterClub to the FDL Noon Club on August 14th to help celebrate their 95th anniversary. Marlin also announced that the Social Committee has a tentative date of September 20th for the Installation Banquet. Watch for more details in the near future. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Bob Kahl for two busloads of veterans who went to Miller Park this past weekend, Sharon Kollman for finally being off chemo for the first time in quite a while, Pete Vercouteren for Barb & his anniversary and another for a great family vacation to Canada, Tonya Alling ($3) for being back at our Club, for having Lynn Messer along and for her 88-year-old great uncle’s Honor Flight and finally, Gary Miller for a recent GeoCaching adventure. Chris Serres won the 50/50 Raffle drawing, again, and this time she drew the Jack of Spades, not a winner. Next week’s drawing will only have 32 cards in the deck with six pay cards and a pot of over $450.

Kiwanis Governor-Elect Lynn Messer
Governor-Elect Lynn Messer and Lt. Gov. Tonya Alling joined us on Monday morning to talk about Lynn’s Governor Project for the upcoming Kiwanis Year. Both Lynn and Tonya have a grandchild or child that’s been diagnosed under the autism spectrum. Lynn’s project will be to raise $750,000 in our District to be used for various technologies, such as iPads and iPods, for these children to have resources to succeed academically and socially. This fund raising goal is surely ambitious but the motivation and the need are real; so hopefully our District will fully support this.