Category Archives: General News

Look at What Popped Up!


Monday Morning

There were 19 members at our Monday Meeting plus two guests. Joining us were Sarah Spang and Steve Leaman our guest speakers. Dawn handled the prayer. We were greeted by John Cooper. Steve had the humor for the day. Happy bucks came from Chris Stelmacher and Gary Miller. Dave Twohig sang to birthday boy Steve Millin. John was the raffle ticket winner and drew the five of the clubs, $5 winner. Monday’s 50/50 raffle will have 18 cards including four pay cards with a pot of $451. Side note – Del is at home. Call for an appointment to visit.   From Community Service committee, we donated to Pillar & Vine. As part of our donations, we have two free registrations for the 5K walk/run on July 30th.If interested, see Bonnie.  Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page.  Save the date, we will have an interclub at the Noon Club on July 19th.

Sarah Spang & Steve Leaman, Pop-Up Fond du Lac

Steve and Sarah talked about their Pop up Crepe event. A group of eight put together this event to promote Fond du Lac. It is an offshoot of Envision and a talk from Greg of Fargo ND. The Pop up Crepe Café, the inaugural event of the newly formed Pop up Fond du Lac, recently operated at the former Pockets Bar in downtown Fond du Lac. The group more than doubled their excepted business over the course of the two days, selling approximately 2,000 crepes. Funds made from the Crepe Café will be held to assist in funding future pop up events. Pop Up Fond du Lac hopes to ignite a conversation on how unique events can provide unlimited possibilities for the community.  Anyone that is interested in finding out more about future events is encouraged to follow Pop Up Fond du Lac on Facebook. The group has the support of Envision Fond du Lac as this falls under their plan’s first year focus of implementing projects such as pop up events.

What’s Happening in Fond du Lac County?


Monday Morning

There were 12 members at our Monday meeting plus two guests. Joining us were our speaker, Allen Buechel and Key club member, Roxie Mulhalland. Charlene handled the prayer and rumor. Happy bucks came from Gary Miller and Jan. Side note – Del is at home. Call for an appointment to visit. Monday’s 50/50, Steve was the winner. He drew the six of clubs, no winner. Raffle will have 19 cards in the game including the five pay cards with a pot of about $441.  We have a projector for our speakers; please contact Gary Miller if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Dave or myself.

Allen Buechel, Fond du Lac County Executive

Allen has served as Executive since 1993 after serving on the County Board for 17 years. Some of Allen’s highlights are piloting a welfare reform program starting in 1994, county’s program for long term care program for elderly, and regional medical examiners program serving 14 counties. Other major projects include addition of the new University Center, consolidation of four dispatch services, safety upgrade to airport, expansion of county golf course, three new parks and major expansion of the jail. Allen talked about temporary changes to the intersection of Hwy K and Hwy 23. Because the Hwy 23 project is on hold, they need to make changes to handle the new traffic load. It will be similar to the intersections on the bypass. They are upgrading Hwy V and Hwy 151 bypass.  Hwy 45 over 151 will lose it off ramps to 151 and become a county road. And finally Harbor Haven is being remodeling. Thanks to Allen for the update and any questions.

Why You Should Visit the Y


Monday Morning

There were 12 members at our Monday meeting plus two guests. Joining us were our speakers, Ali Harasha and Alexis Berg.  We were greeted by Glen. Steve handled the prayer and rumor. Side note – Del is at home. Call for an appointment to visit. Next Monday’s 50/50 Harry was the winner. He drew the Jack of Hearts, no winner. Raffle will have 20 cards in the game including the five pay cards with a pot of about $431.  We have a work day to paint buildings at the Children Museum on July8/9th.  In addition, we will have prep day to get some of the displays on the building ready on July 6th at 4:30 at MPTC. Bonnie has the signup sheet.  We have a projector for our speakers; please contact Gary Miller if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Dave or myself.

Ali Harasha & Alexis Berg, Fond du Lac YMCA

Ali is Sports & Fitness coordinator at the YMCA. The Y is offering Healthy Living Exercise Program. It is three phases over twelve weeks. The program is free. The wellness coaches will work one on one to increase physical activity in a safe and engaging program. Ali is also in charge of the personal trainers at the Y. Alexis is responsible for the Parkinson’s program, diabetes prevention program and Livestrong. Livestrong is 12 week program using exercise methods to ease cancer survivors back into fitness.  These are just a small portion of the programs that the Ymca offers. In some from, we all need 150 minutes of exercise each week.