Category Archives: Fundraising

How Do You Spell Success?



Monday Morning 

We had 19 members at our Monday morning meeting at the Retlaw Hotel along with our guest speaker, Tiffany Heim from the Boys & Girls Club.  Gary Miller is looking for an InterClub to Ripon Early Birds on Wednesday, August 12th.  Check your calendar and let Gary know on Monday. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Mark Luttenberger as he is officially retired, Charlene Pettit in thanksgiving for some rain, Dawn Scannell for a successful Relay for Life Rummage Sale with Sharon K and finally, from our guest speaker Tiffany for her incoming presidency of the Noon Kiwanis Club.  Dawn Scannell was the 50/50 Raffle drawing winner. Unfortunately she drew the Eight of Spades, which was a non-winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 30 cards with five pay cards and a pot of at least $280.

Tiffany Heim, Boy & Girls Club

Tiffany Heim is the Director of Resource Development for the Boys & Girls Club and also a fellow Kiwanian from the Noon Club.  Tiffany talked with us about the upcoming 2nd Annual “Spell for Great Futures”.  Spell for Great Futures event is a themed, team spelling bee featuring local business leaders teamed up with their Club members as participants, includes action-packed audience participation, and is planned around a different and exciting theme each year.  This year’s theme is based around the Jurassic Park/World series.  This event raised over $17,000 in its first year in 2014 and they’re expecting bigger and better things at this year’s event on October 14th.  Our Club was encouraged to not only consider a monetary donation but also consider having some of our members act as participating partners with the spelling teams.  Gary Ring did it last year and had a lot of fun.  He encouraged others to consider joining this effort for a great cause.

Wanna Get Some Cheese Curds?


It wouldn’t be Walleye Weekend without the Kiwanis of Fabulous Fond du Lac Cheese Curds! Walleye Weekend starts on Friday again this year with burgers, brats and yes, 3,000 pounds of cheese curds. We’d love to see you there! Stop in, say hi, and, by all means, support the children of Fond du Lac and the world by purchasing some delicious, deep-fried cheese curds!

What Do You Know About Walleye Weekend?


Monday Morning

We had 17 members at our Monday meeting along with our speaker Leanne Doyle from Fond du Lac Festivals. “Happy Bucks” were offered by Bonnie Baerwald for her first attendance at Celebrate Community, Gary Ring ($2) for a successful StoryBook Land and Celebrate Community, Gary Miller ($3) for the Food for Thought Project, Fondy Idol and Celebrate Community, Vickie Goldapske for her birthday and a weekend of family and fun and Glen Treml for being back from vacation.  Chris Serres was the 50/50 Raffle winner on Monday and she drew the Three of Hearts, not a winner.  Next week’s drawing will have 47 cards, including eight pay cards, and a pot of at least $58.

Leanne Doyle, Fond du Lac Festivals

Leanne Doyle joined us on Monday morning to find out what we knew about Walleye Weekend (WW).  Leanne has been the Fond du Lac Festivals Executive Director since August 2012 so she’s had the experience of Walleye Weekend from the front lines for two years.  Leanne brought along a 13 question quiz to help us learn how much we did or didn’t know about Walleye Weekend.  The first significant statistic that Leanne noted was that they sold 17,000 wristbands at last year’s WW.  Her next statistic was that 53,320 cups of beer were sold last WW or 3.14 cups of beer per wristband sold.  While not in the Q&A, Leanne noted that the 2014 WW generated over $211,500 in funds for the 46 groups that participated in WW as either vendors or volunteers for the weekend.  Another statistic not on the Q&A was the fact that it takes about $225,000 to fund all of the weekend activities from bands, to dog shows, Family Land, etc.  Several other noteworthy statistics from the Q&A was that the festival has returned over $616,000 to the community in the past three years, no small amount.  The final statistic of importance was that our Club sold over 2,700 pounds of cheese curds at the 2014 WW event.  Leanne closed by reminding everyone to put June 12 – 14 on their 2015 calendar for the next Walleye Weekend.