Lakeside Park Baseball Diamonds Progress


Monday Morning

We had 16 members at Monday’s meeting along with our guest speaker, Ryan Haus from Dynamic Chiropractic and Wellness Center to talk about the Lakeside Park Baseball Diamonds.  Happy Bucks were offered by Del Waldschmidt for his trip this week to Nevada (thank goodness we got the $ before he left), Jackie King for a weekend with her sister who is battling stage 4 lung cancer and Bob Kahl to correct his Happy Buck from the week before about his son’s victory party after the  mid-term election.  Gary Ring  announced an opportunity for a social gathering on Wednesday night, December 19th at Sebastian’s Restaurant.  He’s taking his wife, Lois, out to dinner and offered to buy a round of drinks for anyone that would like to be there before dinner to wish Lois a happy 60th birthday.  Be there between 5:30-6:00PM.  Dawn Scannell was the 50/50 Raffle winner and she drew the Nine of Clubs, not a winner.  After last week’s big winner the pot now stands at $9 with 51 cards left in the deck and nine pay cards.

Ryan Haus, Fond du Lac Youth Baseball

Dr. Ryan Haus joined us on Monday morning to give us an update on the Lakeside Park Baseball Diamond Project.   Plans are currently in place to build an exciting new multi-use baseball field complex at Fond du Lac’s beautiful Lakeside Park. There is a significant need for this project and is being performed with cooperation between FDL Youth Baseball, Fond du Lac School District, Fond du Lac Recreation Department, and the city of Fond du lac. The proposed complex will allow our community to offer new, improved, and expanded activities for residents of all ages.  The proposal is to build two new youth baseball fields that will be used primarily by youth baseball players 12 years old and younger. Part of Lakeside Park is being offered by and leased from the city to use for the facility. The facility will be managed by the FDL Recreation Department for scheduling and care. Once the facility is built it will be funded through its use and concessions.

The fields will expand the use and improve the beauty of Lakeside Park and will provide a new facility that will offer programs for all ages while being available for use to the public. The proposal includes fields, lights, batting cages, pavilion/shelter, bleachers, playground equipment, etc.

Our Club ended the meeting with a presentation of a $5,000 donation to this project from our Special Impact Committee.