Fond du Lac Has Moore to Manage

Monday Morning

There were 14 members plus eight guests at our Monday meeting.  In addition to our speaker, Joe Moore, we had a Noon Club Interclub and our Lt. Gov. Larry Koziol. The interclub included Don Kurki, Dick Taddey, Ray Farr and Joan Pinch. Ben and Abe Stoffel-Murray joined us from the Fond du lac Key Club. Mark was our greeter. John had the grace and Steve had the humor. Happy bucks came from Bonnie, Glen (two), Mark and Larry. Reminder from Larry, Mid-Winter is Feb. 11th. Glen was a winner and winner. He drew the ten of spades for $10. We still have 38cards, 5 winners and a pot of $200.00. We are looking for someone to host the holiday party. Depending on our host, we would like to do in mid-February.  Contact Charlene for details or to book your house. Side note – Del is at home and loves visitors.  Remember that we have a Kiwanis web page and Facebook. If you are on Facebook, like our page.  We have a projector for our speakers; please contact Dawn if you need it. Speaking of programs for the future, get information to Jackie or myself. Member names are being added under Programs for your future dates.

Joe Moore, FdL City Manager

Joe Moore updated us on the City of Fond du Lac. He first thanked us for the scholarship that we awarded his daughter Annie last year. Some of his highlights are: the room tax has double in the last few years. He feels that shows the need for the new Hampton Inn and the new Retlaw. With the help of the Convention Bureau and Blue Line, we have a second ice rink at Lakeside Park. Because the Fond du Lac’s unemployment is down, property crime is also down. Suspected overdoses death are level from last year but the use of Narcan is up to save overdosed individuals.  The Lakeside Pavilion will be rebuilt. Items on the to do list are: Forest Mall, lead water pipes, Highway 23 East, Retlaw and additional downtown residential properties. Thanks to Joe for the update on the City of Fond du Lac.